Philly ETE 2020 – Jessica Kerr – Investigation and Creation of Software

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Check out our YouTube playlist to watch all the talks from Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise 2020.


As software developers we operate in pockets of reality with their own rules.

From our language system to frameworks to the software we interface with, our work is first that of the scientist: how does this happen? We find causes and effects. Then of the engineer: use those to make the word more to our liking.

In the process we create new pockets of reality for ourselves and others.

As scientists, can we skillfully learn about the software we live in? And as creators, how can we craft worlds that are easy to figure out?

Jess mixed Philosophy of Science with software development and comes up with something exciting.

About Jessica Kerr

Jessica Kerr is a symmathecist, in the medium of code. She believes in learning systems made of learning parts: enthusiastic people and evolving software. In twenty years of professional software development, she has worked in languages from Java to Scala and Clojure, from Ruby to Elixir and Elm, from bash to TypeScript and PowerShell.

In her years as a conference keynoter and speaker, she has talked about all of these, plus the deeper work of software development. She finds inspiration in resilience engineering, systems thinking, and art. She loves helping developers automate the boring bits of our work and express more creativity in the rest.

Find her learning out loud on twitter (@jessitron), live coding on twitch (jessitronica), writing at, and raising two new unpredictable people in her home in St. Louis, MO.