Philly ETE 2020 – Rob Napier – Secrets and Lies

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“Security though obscurity is no security.” Well… sort of. The truth is much more complicated. Obfuscation is difficult, fragile, and a never ending battle. But sometimes it’s the only tool for the job, whether to protect a secret key or the integrity of your high-score list.

In this session you’ll learn what attacks your app is already facing (whether you know it or not), the differences between cryptography, obfuscation, and steganography, and approachable ways you can use them to protect your users, your service, and your business.

This talk focuses on issues common to mobile development and mobile-server communication. Examples will be primarily in iOS and Swift, but applicable to Android and back-end development.

About Rob Napier

Rob is co-author of iOS Programming Pushing the Limits, and maintainer of the RNCryptor encryption format. Before coming to Cocoa, he made his living sneaking into Chinese facilities in broad daylight. Then he was a Mac developer for Dell. Today, he shapes music over Bluetooth for Logitech, explores old ideas in new languages, and helps developers keep their products a bit more secure.