Philly ETE 2021 — From Big Bangs To Crockpots: Strategies For Changing Prod With No Downtime — Ryan Bergman

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Like many companies, John Deere has outgrown its data centers and moved to the cloud. In this talk I recount a few different types of migrations and transformations as we moved from our small town to the big city. This includes moving a high volume transactional monolith from Moline Illinois to AWS with only 5 seconds of downtime, rewriting the permission storage systems for everything (twice), and balancing storage vs. performance in dealing with a 50 petabyte agronomic data pond.

About Ryan Bergman

I’m a lead product engineer at John Deere Intelligent Solutions Group (ISG) where I oversee API security for systems farmers depend on for connecting with experts like agronomists, dealers, other experts. I regularly speak at conferences both as part of John Deere and just as me, particularly in Agile/XP and DevOps circles.

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