Philly ETE 2022 — Observability and the Glorious Future — Charity Majors



Our systems are getting astronomically more complex. Modern development paradigms are pushing more and more technical debt into your operational future. In the future we are all distributed systems engineers… but our tools for debugging and understanding them are relics of the more predictable LAMP stack era. What could possibly go wrong?

Let’s talk about the many disasters that await and befall us, the ways our tooling and organizational culture need to adapt to keep up, and how instrumentation and observability can help.

About Charity Majors

Charity is a co-founder and CTO at, a tool for software engineers to understand what happens when their code meets production. She has worked at companies like Facebook, Parse, and Linden Lab, as a systems engineer and engineering manager, but always seems to end up responsible for the databases too. Co-author of O’Reilly’s “Database Reliability Engineering”. Loves free speech, free software and single malt scotch.

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