
Philly ETE 2019 – Artem Chistyakov – Lightning Talk: Build a Video Game, Learn a Programming Language!

Lightning Talks at Philly ETE 2019 This is one of the many lightning talks given at Philly ETE 2019. To see a compilation of all the lightning talks together, you can head here. About Artem Chistyakov Artem works at Wildbit, where he and his team of friends are making Postmark a little better every day. Blog: GitHub: Twitter:

Philly ETE 2019 – Scott Fraser & Jason Giedyman – Lightning Talk: ECRI’s Project Pancake: dribbling k8s syrup on stacks of recycled laptops – and rolling it out company wide

Lightning Talks at Philly ETE 2019 This is one of the many lightning talks given at Philly ETE 2019. To see a compilation of all the lightning talks together, you can head here. About Scott Fraser Scott Fraser joined ECRI Institute in 2017 as chief information officer. He is responsible for software development, information security, infrastructure, and digital content. About Jason Giedyman Python on my left, Go on my right, NodeJS in my pocket, Scala in my shoes. 0-60k in…

Philly ETE 2019 – Bobby Ren – Lightning Talk: Software and Bike Repair – Reflections on how to become a better software engineer while holding a pedal wrench

Lightning Talks at Philly ETE 2019 This is one of the many lightning talks given at Philly ETE 2019. To see a compilation of all the lightning talks together, you can head here. About Bobby Ren Bobby Ren is a senior mobile engineer in Xfinity Home’s Device Onboarding team. He has been at Comcast for three years and has been doing mobile development for the last 8.

Philly ETE 2019 – Dan Boykis – Lightning Talk: Cassandra Tips

Lightning Talks at Philly ETE 2019 This is one of the many lightning talks given at Philly ETE 2019. To see a compilation of all the lightning talks together, you can head here. About Dan Boykis Dan Boykis is a developer working for Chariot Solutions building low latency web services, mostly in Java and Clojure. Dan is generally interested in functional programming and concurrency. His lighting talk will be about data modeling in Cassandra and how it differs from data…

Philly ETE 2019 – Audrey Troutt – Lightning Talk: Making SDKs that don’t suck

Lightning Talks at Philly ETE 2019 This is one of the many lightning talks given at Philly ETE 2019. To see a compilation of all the lightning talks together, you can head here. About Audrey Troutt Audrey Troutt is an engineering director for the Comcast Digital Home Mobile Apps and is based in Philadelphia, PA. Previously, Audrey was a senior software development manager for the In-App Marketing, App Store Analytics, and TMC SDKs and plugins teams at Tune.

Philly ETE 2019 – Keith Gregory – Lightning Talk: Three Tricks for Logging in a Distributed World

Lightning Talks at Philly ETE 2019 This is one of the many lightning talks given at Philly ETE 2019. To see a compilation of all the lightning talks together, you can head here. About Keith Gregory Keith Gregory has been programming computers since 1977, making a living from it since 1984, and doing it on AWS since 2008. In that time he has worked on a variety of applications, from real-time data acquisition systems to business intelligence applications built on…

Philly ETE 2019 – Andrew Sauber – Lightning Talk: CSI – Container Storage Interface: Turn any storage into cloud native storage

Lightning Talks at Philly ETE 2019 This is one of the many lightning talks given at Philly ETE 2019. To see a compilation of all the lightning talks together, you can head here. About Andrew Sauber Andrew Sauber is a Senior Developer at Linode working on Linode’s Kubernetes Engine. He can be reached on Twitter @wk3as.

Philly ETE 2019 – Jonathan Belcher – Lightning Talk: Chrome Dev Tools Features You Didn’t Know Existed

Lightning Talks at Philly ETE 2019 This is one of the many lightning talks given at Philly ETE 2019. To see a compilation of all the lightning talks together, you can head here. About Jonathan Belcher JB has been building for the web for over a decade. He is a Web Technologies Google Developer Expert and an organizer of Philadelphia Javascript Developers and LibertyJS conference. At Automattic he works on a variety projects democratizing the web.

Philly ETE 2019 – Lightning Talks: A Compilation

Abstract A compilation of all lightning talks given at Philly ETE. To see the individual talk, please find it below. Build a Video Game, Learn a Programming Language! – Artem Chistyakov ECRI’s Project Pancake: dribbling k8s syrup on stacks of recycled laptops – and rolling it out company wide – Scott Fraser & Jason Giedyman Stability Bit Versioning – Richard Feldman Software and Bike Repair – Reflections on how to become a better software engineer while holding a pedal wrench…

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