
Basic Akka Actors

Anyone working on concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM should be familiar with Akka. Akka is an implementation of the Actor model that can be used from Scala or Java applications to provide a concurrency model that is designed from the ground up for systems spanning multiple machines. Defining an Actor The key abstraction … Read More

Philly ETE 2015 – Helena Edelson – Streaming Big Data with Spark, Spark Streaming, Kafka, Cassandra and Akka

This talk presents Apache Spark, Spark Streaming, Apache Kafka, Apache Cassandra and Akka as supporting Lambda architecture in the context of a fault tolerant, streaming big data pipeline. We will walk through the Fault Tolerance story with these technologies to build applications, and how to easily implement and integrate them in a Scala Akka application for real-time delivery of meaning at high velocity, in highly distributed and concurrent environments.

FSM Actors in Akka

This post takes a look at the basic features of the FSM trait in Akka and implements a simple Tic Tac Toe game actor along with tests.

Order Out Of Chaos – Maintaining ordered processing of messages in AKKA actors

The reactive paradigm is a wonderful thing. The basic idea is that a reactive application, as much as possible, is asynchronous from beginning to end. It should be event driven, fault tolerant, scalable and responsive. Writing an asynchronous application, however, has it’s own set of unique challenges. In this post I’ll demonstrate an approach we took to solve the challenge of maintaining a definite order, specifically when performing database updates in asynchronous code within an actor.