
Kotlin Coroutines for Android Apps

Come away with a deeper understanding of Kotlin Coroutines, along with hands-on experience, after reading Kotlin Coroutines Tutorial for Android: Advanced.

TechCast #107 – Meet a Charioteer: Brandt Gigle

This is the Chariot Solutions TechCast #107, with our new sub-series, Meet a Charioteer. In this series, we round up some of our consultants to talk passion projects, opinions, interesting challenges, and anything and everything in between – tech related, or not. 

Today our host Ken Rimple talks to Brandt Gigle. Brandt is fairly new … Read More

Android Intents with Kotlin

This past fall, I became part of the Ray Wenderlich tutorial team for Android. As part of that team, we are updating the existing Android tutorials using Kotlin along with the latest Android tool set. My first assignment was to update the Intents tutorial. What is an Intent you ask? Well, Intents and Intent Filters … Read More

Mobile App Development: Consider the Cost, Not Just the Price!

Introduction When we are talking to customers, either new or existing, we often get asked about the best way to develop mobile apps for both Android and iOS. For many years the options were native versus hybrid. More recently these options have become more complex. The typical reason we get asked this question is that … Read More

Android's RecyclerView done Kotlin style

Chariot’s own Rod Biresch is part of the Ray Wenderlich tutorial team. One of his first tasks was to take the original tutorial from Ray Wenderlich’s site and converted it to Kotlin and updated it for the latest Android tool set. A RecyclerView can be thought of as a combination of a ListView and a … Read More

Not sure about Kotlin on Android?

I’ve been developing in Java for over 17 years on both client and server side. I don’t get involved with the JVM-based “language wars”, quietly frankly it’s because I’m not overly passionate about programming languages. That’s not to say that I don’t have preferences or enjoy languages it’s just that I choose not to put … Read More

Philly ETE 2017 #1 – Loving Lean Android Layouts – Huyen Tue Dao

Layouts are the foundation of Android UI, and while they are seemingly straightforward, understanding how to develop efficient layouts is sometimes less so. However, efficient, “lean” layouts can be vital to both user experience and app performance. This session examines the importance of lean layouts, tools for analyzing layouts and their performance, tips and techniques … Read More

Android Vector Graphics

I, like most developers, tend to rush into playing around with new technology. What I mean is you get excited when hearing or reading about something new then jump into the deep-end of the pool and while in mid-air throwing your towel to your chair. That’s what happened to me with VectorDrawable. I heard about … Read More