
DevNews #69 – Google Machine Learning Becomes Sentient – or does it just love shredders?

In this episode, Joel warns us that the machines have started to learn on their own – and that maybe they can tell shredders apart from trashcans… Also, a great TechCrunch article on how you can now build dynamic grids of compute servers using Mesos and have them automatically bootstrapped and configured by Docker. We talk about CoreOS, which is a small linux distro for beginning machine configurations, the Genymotion android VM that everyone was talking about at AnDevCon2013, and more.

Chariot Developer News Episode #52 – SIM Card Hacking, JS tools, Unix tools for BigData

Show Links Sim Card Hack exposes potentially – millions of phones, potentially. Here’s hoping our phones use Triple-DES encryption. Foundation -vs- Twitter Bootstrap – a good overview of both and their strengths. Great comments as well. Unix commands for data science That’s what i sed, unix util(s) for fun and profit, head to your couch, … Read More

Android Advanced Cursors

If you have been doing Android development for even a little while, you have probably used the provided SQLite functionality to store and retrieve data in a local database on the Android device. If not, you can head over to Lars Vogel’s excellent tutorial website to see how it all works, or to get a refresher. For … Read More

Chariot DevNews Episode #50 – Phones hacked, security and passwords, and more

It’s our 50th episode! More to come, now weekly. Send us feedback on @techcast. Topics ARS – You can crack iPhone auto-generated hotspot passwords in seconds – Android phone #s breeched by Facebook app – – ARS – The more complex the rules, the more annoying, and is it really more effective than just a longer … Read More

Chariot DevNews Episode #48 – Big Data all over the place

It’s the big return of the regular DevNews this week. My co-host Joel Confino and I discuss lots of big data stuff, including: They hype it, then they try to kill it – Why Big Data is not truth – just using Big Data techniques doesn’t make it easy to select good data to begin … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #12 – RoboSpice – an open source networking library for Android – David Stemmer

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From the abstract: “With mobile apps becoming more and more reliant on web services, managing network code has become one of the central responsibilities of the mobile application architect. This talk will cover Robospice, an open-source networking library for Android. Robospice streamlines some the most common networking tasks on Android, such as: –asynchronous background threading … Read More

Take (and Manipulate!) a Photo with a Web Page

So not that long ago, if you wanted an app to take a photo, it had to be a native app — such as a Windows/Mac app or a native mobile application.  But HTML5 has brought a number of new APIs that allow not only taking photos, but analyzing and manipulating them all within a browser.

HTTPS with Client Certificates on Android

Many Android applications use REST or another HTTP based protocol to communicate with a server. Working with HTTP and HTTPS on Android is generally fairly straightforward and well documented. Depending on the version of the Android OS, either HTTPClient or HttpURLConnection “just work”. Either one can be used, but the official recommendation is to use … Read More

Installing PhoneGap Plugins with pluginstall

Phonegap applications can be extended with plugins to add additional functionality. Historically, installing plugins meant copying a bunch of files into the correct places in your project. Andrew Lunny wrote the Cordova Plugin Specification and pluginstall. Pluginstall is a tool that automates the installation of plugins which conform to the plugin specification. In addition to … Read More