distributed systems

Philly ETE # 37 – Not-So-Big Data After All: Managing Reference Data with Sirius – Jon Moore

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From the abstract: Many interesting “reference datasets” now fit in a single commodity server’s RAM, with more on the way as main memory sizes continue to grow. The open source Sirius library allows developers access to this data in native datastructures while managing the distributed systems heavy lifting of replication and persistence. In this talk, … Read More

Philly ETE #32 – Distributed Systems in Production – Jeff Hodges

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From the abstract: In the field, distributed systems are the new norm. This talk discusses tactics and strategy for productionizing distributed systems with a little bit about what the future will hold.

Philly ETE #29 – Data in Motion: Latency and Throughput – David Richardson & John Granieri

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From the abstract: All distributed systems are constrained by their ability to move data between components. We will talk about the engineering discipline required to achieve low latency and high throughput. Examples will be given from low latency C++ and high throughput python components used in SIG’s trading and data analysis stack. SIG is a … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 #14 – Distributed Systems and the End of the API – Chas Emerick

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From the abstract: “Every system is a distributed system” has become a common catchphrase among distributed system theoreticians and distributed database vendors…and they’re right. What hasn’t become common are actionable discourse about what this concretely implies for real-world systems, and how it differs from the status quo. Drawing inspiration from and parallels with some of … Read More