ETE 2015

Philly ETE 2015 – Svetlana Isakova – Kotlin on Android

In this session we are going to talk a bit why JetBrains sees the potential in Kotlin comparing to other JVM languages. Then we’ll see how certain language constructs can be used to make Android more enjoyable. Also we’ll look at a DSL for type-safe dynamic layouts and a simple extension plugin that helps to avoid writing ‘findViewById()’ all the time.

ETE 2015 – Colin Eberhardt – Swift, Reactive Cocoa… Better Together

ReactiveCocoa is an elegant framework that radically changes the way we structure our applications and handle flows of data. However, it’s beauty is somewhat marred by Objective-C! In this talk I will cover the basics of ReactiveCocoa and the principles of Functional Reactive Programming. Through simple practical examples I will show how ReactiveCocoa and Swift form a beautiful partnership.

ETE 2015 – Ben Christensen – Applying Reactive Programming to Existing Applications

This talk will leverage the experience of introducing reactive programming into existing imperative, blocking codebases to demonstrate how it can be done and when it can make sense to do so. Not all benefits of reactive programming can be obtained without a greenfield, fully async architecture, but many can. Subjects to be covered will include the mental shift from imperative to declarative, working with blocking IO such as JDBC and RPC, service composition, debugging and unit testing.

ETE 2015 Keynote – Dave Thomas – Emerge-ncy

If things go to plan, Dave Thomas will contend that we are looking at emerging technology wrongly. By definition, newer will be worse than older, at least in the short term. And yet we jump like lemmings off the bright and shiny cliff. So how do we find a balance?

Philly ETE 2015 – Diana Larsen – Improving and Extending Retrospective Outcomes

Diana Larsen, co-author of Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great, will introduce you to a simple framework for getting better outcomes from retrospective meetings, suggest ways to maintain the relevance of improvement to the work of your team, and provide tips and pointers to get great returns from the time your teams devote to every meeting.

ETE 2015 – Monica Beckwith – GC Tuning Confessions of a Performance Engineer

Performance tuning is a methodical and an iterative process. It is imperative to have a performance plan coexist with a product development plan. A performance plan not only serves to document the requirements but also feeds into designing the performance experiments and helps in providing a clear understanding of the performance infrastructural needs.

ETE 2015 – Yehuda Katz – What is Rust?

You may have seen Rust on Hacker News, Reddit or Twitter, but what is all the hype about? With Rust just recently having become stable, now’s a great time to learn more about this emerging language that is taking on old stalwarts like C++ without giving up on the expressiveness of higher level languages. Whether you’re a grizzled systems programmer or a dynamic language programmer looking to dip your toe in, this talk will have something for you.