functional programming

JavaScript's Odd Parts – Configurable Functions as a DSL

As some of you may be moving from Java to JavaScript, you’ll find there are a number of ways to program – using objects, functions, or a hybrid approach. A common style of API you’ll see in the wild lends itself to expressive object definitions, while at the same time being easy to use to … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 – David Nolen – The Functional Final Frontier

Learn how a new library for ClojureScript called Om, a simple
 functional layer over Facebook’s React, makes some traditional hard 
problems in MVC based UIs simple without abandoning the abtractions OO
 programmers find useful. These concepts are easily portable to other 
systems provided the presence of persistent data structures.

Philly ETE 2014 #14 – Distributed Systems and the End of the API – Chas Emerick

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From the abstract: “Every system is a distributed system” has become a common catchphrase among distributed system theoreticians and distributed database vendors…and they’re right. What hasn’t become common are actionable discourse about what this concretely implies for real-world systems, and how it differs from the status quo. Drawing inspiration from and parallels with some of … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 #3 – The Functional Final Frontier – David Nolen

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ARVE Error: loop not valid
loop not valid
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a new library for ClojureScript called Om, a simple functional layer over Facebook’s React, makes some traditional hard problems in MVC based UIs simple without abandoning the abtractions OO programmers find useful.

PhillyETE Screencast #17 – Scala’s Slick: A Library For Functional Database Access – Brendan McAdams

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From the abstract: “This talk presents Slick, Typesafe’s library for accessing databases. Similar in nature to .NET’s LINQ API, Slick is a successor to the popular ScalaQuery library. With Slick, database queries can be expressed using Scala code – which is composable and more convenient than Java APIs like JPA, and safer than string-based query … Read More