
DevNews #13 – Cassandra likes the Groovy Python Migration Script!

Lots of topics this week.  Shownotes are available on as well. Submit your story ideas as tag “devnewsideas” and we’ll look for them before each show. South 0.7 Released Python 2.7 Release The future of CSS: The Flexible Box Model MGG 254: Storage, AirDisk, 10.6.3 Woes, SD Cards, and WebKit Groovy 1.7.2 – Three … Read More

DevNews #5 – Clojure, Charting, Scripting is Groovy…

Sponsorship:  Our sponsor this week is the Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise conference.  Early bird registration is extended – get your tickets this week – more information, including our schedule, is available at  Speakers include Uncle Bob Martin, Michael Cote, and many, many others. You can find the articles we’ve bookmarked at  Our URL … Read More

TechCast #49 – Venkat Subramaniam on Groovy and Dynamic Languages

Venkat Subramaniam is a widely acclaimed speaker, author, professor, and creator of Agile Developer, a mentoring and training company. He joined us on the techcast to talk about programming using dynamic languages.  He is well known for his talks and book on the Groovy language, has just published a book on Scala, and discusses his … Read More

DevNews #1 – Spring 3 ripple effect, facebook friends and more

This is our first Developer News podcast episode. We hope you like it. Links can be found by browsing our Delicious tags. Head over to for the links that made up today’s show. Leave us feedback on twitter with #techcast, or email

Where is Java Headed?

Welcome to 2010! As a way to start the new year, Joel Confino, one of our architects and future blog contributor, sat down for an interview to discuss his opinions on Java’s future course. As you will hear in this interview, there are more options as Java is maturing. We will be exploring some of … Read More

Groovy and Grails seminar – G2 and Springsource Tool Suite

Here is another interview from our Groovy and Grails seminar. Brent Baxter had been conducting some research into G2 and the Springsource Tool Suite (STS). I asked Brent how they worked together and if this was advantageous to a developer. As you can see here, we certainly try to gather reflections from our attendees when … Read More

Wrap up from our Grails/Groovy Seminar

Last week Chariot Solutions hosted a one-day seminar around Groovy and Grails. Or Grails and Groovy if that is your preference. Chariot has been trying to have two events a year, the larger Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise in the spring, and a smaller event in the fall. We have tried to use the fall … Read More