
Philly ETE 2014 #7 – Look, Ma, No Plugins! – Aaron Mulder

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In the olden days, 3D in the browser meant something antiquated like VRML, Java3D, or other unpleasant formats and plugins. But many of today’s browsers can handle it natively via the HTML5 Canvas and WebGL, based on the popular OpenGL standard. But wait, you say, the only way to program anything in the browser is via JavaScript! Sure, there are libraries like three.js to help, but JavaScript is so…slow. Enter asm.js, a subset of the language specifically constructed for high performance. In this talk, we’ll look at the browser support, APIs, and JavaScript libraries for WebGL, and check out the changes needed to bump up performance with asm.js.

PhillyETE Screencast #23 – Distributed, Cross-Platform and Cross-Device Continuous Integration – Filip Maj

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From the abstract: “The popular cross-platform mobile application framework, PhoneGap, has established itself over the past few years as a useful tool when writing applications for multiple platforms based on standards-based web technologies. PhoneGap, or its Apache Software Foundation-goverened engine called Cordova, is gearing up for a 3.0 release in July 2013 and has as … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #13 – Notes from HTML5 Boilerplate and the trenches of front-end development – Nicolas Gallagher

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From the abstract: “HTML5 Boilerplate is an extremely popular front-end template that helps lay the ground work for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. This project is the product of many years of iterative development and combined community knowledge. It tries to be agnostic of any specific, higher-level development philosophy or framework. … Read More

TechCast #77 – Adobe’s Fil Maj on PhoneGap and – cross-platform Mobile

This week’s interview features Fil Maj, of Adobe’s PhoneGap project. PhoneGap is a cross-device runtime platform for hosting HTML and Javascript applications on tablets, phones and other hand-held devices. Chariot’s consulting practice director Don Coleman joins us as he’s worked with Phil on phone gap and plugins, so he lends a hand guiding the conversation. … Read More

Take (and Manipulate!) a Photo with a Web Page

So not that long ago, if you wanted an app to take a photo, it had to be a native app — such as a Windows/Mac app or a native mobile application.  But HTML5 has brought a number of new APIs that allow not only taking photos, but analyzing and manipulating them all within a browser.

ETE 2012 – HTML5 Apps in Java & Scala with the Play Framework

From the abstract: The way we build applications is rapidly changing. HTML5, Scala, non-blocking IO, real-time push, and the cloud are welcome advancements in the world of web apps. Play Framework makes using these technologies a pleasure. In this session you will learn how to build next generation applications with Play Framework and deploy those … Read More

ETE 2012 – Brian Leroux – Just Beyond HTML5: Device APIs with PhoneGap

From the abstract: PhoneGap hacker Brian LeRoux will talk about new breed of cross platform capabilities from the W3C called Device APIs, their relationship to HTML5, web standards, WebKit and mobile development with the most popular platforms. If you are interested in mobile web dev for iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone you’ll really enjoy … Read More

Camera Access from Android Browser

The browser in Android 4 is able to take pictures from a web page and display them without any plugins or server interaction. This demo uses the Device API and File API to take and display a picture on a phone using the browser. Try it on your Android phone I wrote this demo … Read More

DevNews #41 – Microsoft and Secure Boot, 1 GB I/O per second, NYC High School for Comp Sci

DevNews #41 is brought to you by Chariot Solutions, leaders in software development in mobile, web, and integration, as well as mentoring and training. Find out about our services at Links: New York City gets a Software Engineering High School – Joel on Software – How cool is this? Wouldn’t it be awesome to … Read More

DevNews #37 – Heroku adds Clojure AND Mats, we talk LMAX, Grails 1.4 is now 2.0, design patterns in JS

Joining Ken Rimple this week are Jamie Allen (@jamie_allen) and Jason Gritman.  Topics discussed: Grails – user – Grails 1.4 is now Grails 2.0 Countdown to Grails 2.0: Static resources | SpringSource Team Blog Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners Google+ buttons in CSS Heroku | Clojure on Heroku Ruby Creator Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Joins … Read More