
Websockets feeding Kinesis

We recently explored a project to retrieve data from a third-party service. They didn’t offer any push capabilities such as writing to a Kafka or Kinesis stream, or even a web-hook. But they did offer a WebSocket interface, so we explored whether we could use that as our streaming source. We didn’t go that route, but I was intrigued by the idea enough to make a proof-of-concept.

Small Data: a pipeline for low-latency decision support

In my last post, I said that I didn’t think Postgres was a good choice for a decision support database, versus a task-specific DBMS such as Redshift. In this post I’m going to take the opposite stand, and say that there are cases where Postgres is appropriate: namely, low-latency systems that contain a limited amount of data.

IoT on AWS – Intro to Kinesis

This talk will cover the high-level design of Kinesis, how it scales, how clients can retrieve records that have been stored in it, and the use of Kinesis Analytics to to transform data and extract outliers.