
Philly ETE 2016 – Don Coleman – Building Wireless Sensors

Inexpensive wireless microcontrollers are everywhere. This session will look at building wireless sensors on a variety of hardware: the super low cost ESP8266, the Particle Photon and it’s cloud services, and the new Arduino MKR1000. In addition to building connected devices, I’ll discuss some options for collecting, storing, and visualizing the sensor data.

Philly ETE 2016 #13 – Johanna Rothman – Agile Hiring: It’s a Team Sport

You can apply agile approaches to your hiring, iterating on everything. You can get feedback as you go, and involve the entire team, including the sourcing. You can teach your recruiters to use a kanban board to track candidates and where they are in the pipeline. You can iterate on the job description (and job ad) based on what you see in candidates. When you involve the entire team, you can create questions and auditions that work for you. You can identify candidates who fit your culture and those who don’t. This session is a timeboxed interactive workshop. Be prepared to experiment and learn. Let’s make your hiring more agile.

Philly ETE 2016 #12 – Heather Miller – Academese to English: A Practical Tour of Scala’s Type System

Scala is famous in part for having one of the richest type systems of all mainstream programming languages today. Despite its reputation, Scala’s type system remains one of the most under-documented and jargon-heavy aspects of Scala. This talk will turn the academese into English, providing an example-rich tour of Scala’s type system, covering all the things that make people call it “powerful”. This talk isn’t about showcasing a bunch of challenging little logical puzzles with types; on the contrary, this talk is about showing practical uses of Scala’s type system, making it work for you and your users.

Philly ETE 2016 #11 – Andy Webber – Modern C++ for Fun and Profit: This isn’t your old C++

Think that C++ is an antiquated language and isn’t worth learning? Think that programming in C++ is too difficult and you’ll spend all of your time debugging segmentation faults and memory leaks? In this talk you’ll find out some of how C++ has changed in C++11, C++14, and beyond in ways that make programmer’s lives easier and allow you to write high-performance, maintainable, and well-designed code.

Philly ETE 2016 #10 – Ryan Brush – Untangling Healthcare with Spark and Dataflow

Spark is becoming a data processing giant, but it leaves much as an exercise for the user. Developers need to write specialized logic to move between batch and streaming modes, manually deal with late or out-of-order data, and explicitly wire complex flows together. This talk looks at how we tackled these problems over a multi-petabyte dataset at Cerner.

Philly ETE 2016 #9 – Srinivas Palthepu – Emergence of Real-Time Analytics: Real-time Analysis of Customer Financial Activities With Apache Flink

In this talk we present a business use case where Capital One needs to process customer activities real-time and react to events appropriately as needed. We then present our experience in building a real-time analytics application that serves the business using a set of open source software frameworks with Apache Flink at its core for real-time stream processing engine.

TechCast #91 – Brent Vatne on React Native

Today’s TechCast features Brent Vatne, who explains how the React Native framework can be used to build applications in both iOS and Android using JavaScript and CSS. We talk about how Brent got started on the project, how he prefers React Native to iOS and Android native development, and how it stacks up compared to … Read More