
Philly ETE #25 – Automating Your Way Out of the Dark Ages: Our Experience with (And Without) PhoneGap Build – Burin Asavesna

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From the abstract: This is a talk sharing TripCase’s ( experience with (and without) PhoneGap Build. We’ll walk through our journey and discuss how it shaped expectations on how quickly we should be getting our code in the hands of fellow testers and stakeholders.

Google's new Mobile Chrome Apps framework, what is it?

Google has announced and released a preview for porting Chrome Apps to mobile devices. Tentively called Mobile Chrome Apps the whole thing can be found over at Github. What this does is bring most the Chrome Web app API to Android and iOS. It does that by wrapping up cordova/phonegap with some custom plugins in a tool that allows import of those existing web apps.

Chariot Developer News Episode #53 – wherein Joel and Ken dislike everything

Joel and Ken cover: A twitter conversation wherein Scala is bigger than COBOL for job hunters, but not bigger than Pizza Delivery Dzone – My Java EE 8 Wishlist 160 million credit cards hacked by “high tech” cyber criminal gang over the past decade. Probably one of the most successful/destructive hacking groups ever. Their main … Read More

PhoneGap 3.0

PhoneGap 3.0 was released at PhoneGap day in Portland, OR last week. This article looks at the great changes with this new release.

Chariot DevNews Episode #49 – Tools all the way down

This week we’re reviewing our favorite tools, development and otherwise. Joel and Ken talk about: and – two browser-based tools that make fiddling with Javascript easy and fun Trello – a good project-board tool. Codiqa – a browser-based mobile IDE for PhoneGap/JQuery Mobile Apigee – web service / data service hosting platform. Cloudbees … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #23 – Distributed, Cross-Platform and Cross-Device Continuous Integration – Filip Maj

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From the abstract: “The popular cross-platform mobile application framework, PhoneGap, has established itself over the past few years as a useful tool when writing applications for multiple platforms based on standards-based web technologies. PhoneGap, or its Apache Software Foundation-goverened engine called Cordova, is gearing up for a 3.0 release in July 2013 and has as … Read More

TechCast #77 – Adobe’s Fil Maj on PhoneGap and – cross-platform Mobile

This week’s interview features Fil Maj, of Adobe’s PhoneGap project. PhoneGap is a cross-device runtime platform for hosting HTML and Javascript applications on tablets, phones and other hand-held devices. Chariot’s consulting practice director Don Coleman joins us as he’s worked with Phil on phone gap and plugins, so he lends a hand guiding the conversation. … Read More

Installing PhoneGap Plugins with pluginstall

Phonegap applications can be extended with plugins to add additional functionality. Historically, installing plugins meant copying a bunch of files into the correct places in your project. Andrew Lunny wrote the Cordova Plugin Specification and pluginstall. Pluginstall is a tool that automates the installation of plugins which conform to the plugin specification. In addition to … Read More