
Interesting Talks from Scala Days 2015

I was able to attend Scala Days 2015 in San Francisco and see some excellent presentations on the Scala ecosystem. I’d like to highlight ones that were of particular interest to me.

Northeast Scala Symposium 2015

The Northeast Scala Symposium just wrapped up in Boston. The Northeast Scala Symposium just wrapped up in Boston. I braved the snow, ice, and bitter cold with Don Coleman, Al Iacovella, Nicolas Kijak, and Ken Rimple and lived to tell about it. We’ve collected highlights from a few of our favorite sessions in this blog post.

FSM Actors in Akka

This post takes a look at the basic features of the FSM trait in Akka and implements a simple Tic Tac Toe game actor along with tests.

Exploring the Play Framework: Testing

This is the first in a series of posts in which we will explore building applications with the Play Framework. Today we will focus on creating a very simple barebones application and applying some tests to it. Starting A Skeleton Application Complete sample code for this article can be found at play-samples/minimal. The only prerequisite … Read More

Philly ETE #36 – Why Spark Is the Next Top (Compute) Model – Dean Wampler

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From the abstract: Spark is an open-source computation platform for Big Data. Leaders in the Hadoop community, such as Cloudera, have embraced Spark as a replacement for MapReduce, the venerable standard for writing Hadoop jobs. This talk explores why this change is needed. Spark provides two important benefits compared to MapReduce. First, its performance is … Read More

Converting a Java Spring application to Scala

Supposedly Scala requires a completely different programming style. But what happens when you just want a Spring application? Is it possible to program in Scala without jumping in the deep end? Chariot’s John Shepard illustrates the difference in approach in this quick tutorial.