Philly ETE 2019 – Peter Fleming – Less Code, More Impact! A Workshop

Abstract Let’s have some fun! No prior design experience required. This will be a lively, interactive exercise where we explore a user-centric and pencil-first approach to software design & development. In this hands-on workshop we will walk through some tried-and-true methods to: Listen to users to ensure we are focusing on their needs Wireframe to … Read More

Layout Anchors

This screencast demonstrates how to use Layout Anchors. Layout Anchors are a way of creating NSLayoutConstraints in code that are simpler and easier to read than creating NSLayoutConstraints directly. In this screencast a simple screen that is completely laid out in code is updated to use Layout Anchors.

Round Corners

This screencast looks at new ways to make and interact with rounded corners. iOS 11 has some updates that have made this much easier.

Android Vector Graphics

I, like most developers, tend to rush into playing around with new technology. What I mean is you get excited when hearing or reading about something new then jump into the deep-end of the pool and while in mid-air throwing your towel to your chair. That’s what happened to me with VectorDrawable. I heard about … Read More