Chariot Solutions

ETE 2013 – The 11th Thing: Generalists, Specialists and How Life Imitates The Decathalon – David A. Black

Change is a constant in the tech field, at many levels — from the introduction of major new tools and systems to the release of tiny updates for existing ones. Ironically, constant change results in a striking consistency over time. The view of our field from outer space, so to speak, remains remarkably stable. Meanwhile we have to decide what newness to master, what to quasi-master, and what not to bother with.

Druid: Real-time Queries Meet Real-time Data

This talk will focus on the design considerations and architecture of Druid, an open-source, distributed, column-oriented analytical data store. There will be a particular focus on how Druid can be used to ingest data in real-time on the write side and provide real-time access to data on the read side.

ETE 2013 – Scaling out with Akka Actors – Joshua Suereth

Speaker: Joshua Suereth From the abstract: “Erlang has made popular the notation of asynchronous message passing as means of distribution and Scaling. While the idea of “actors” is fundamentally simple, how do we, the software engineers, make use of this abstraction to develop real life, scalable systems? This talk designs a scalable distributed search service … Read More

Why are there Go programmers?

From the abstract: “Go programmers come from backgrounds you would likely not expect. The language was originally marketed as a “Systems Language”. But rather than being mostly composed of C and C++ programmers, many Go programmers come from Ruby, Python, Javascript, Erlang, and other popular dynamic languages; Much more than the Go authors had anticipated. … Read More


From the abstract: “Stream processing has emerged in recent years as a very fast-growing paradigm in data science infrastructure. This rise can be partly attributed to some factors external to system design, such as business demands for near-realtime data or inability of hardware to manage an ever-growing data set. However, this paradigm also possesses many … Read More

Scala Async: A New Way to Simplify Asynchronous Code (Make the Compiler Do It!)

From the abstract: “Ever wished the compiler could make asynchronous programming easier? Enter Scala Async. Do asynchronous I/O like ‘normal’ blocking I/O, program with Futures and Promises even more naturally! Scala Async makes it possible to ‘suspend’ at arbitrary points in a block of regular Scala code, and to ‘resume’ from that point later— all … Read More

Clojure Enemy of the State

From the abstract: “Clojure’s approach to data is significantly different than other popular languages, and somewhat different even than its Lisp heritage. On one hand, Clojure provides a small core set of immutable, persistent data structures. On the other, Clojure uses functional programming to provide a rich set of data manipulation functions. These two pillars … Read More

BlackBerry 10 Enterprise Grade Development

Become a successful developer of enterprise apps for BlackBerry 10. This session arms you with what’s needed to begin creating enterprise apps for the BlackBerry platform. We’ll cover development options, tooling, and porting existing apps. We’ll discuss the unique needs of developing apps for the enterprise and introduce you to how the BlackBerry platform helps you to address those needs.

The Cable Company Does Continuous [delivery] WHAT?

From the abstract: “Many companies have tried speeding up their existing software deployment cycle only to discover that it leads to chaos. As organizations try to deploy more quickly, they are held back by error-prone and unpredictable deployment processes being executed by an Operations staff that becomes increasingly overworked and overtired. So how did we … Read More

Futures & Promises in Scala 2.10

From the abstract: “By now, it’s no secret that asynchronous and non-blocking code means fast and responsive software stacks that scale to the moon. The only problem? Asynchronous code usually means callback hell that’s impossible to write, impossible to reason about, and even worse to maintain. Not anymore— Scala 2.10 brings an asynchronous, completely non-blocking, … Read More