Chris Birster

Automate the Boring Stuff with AI

My motivation for creating tools often stems from a desire to get familiar with new technologies. This project was no different; I wanted to deepen my understanding of Generative AI. However, this wasn’t the primary reason for its creation. The real driving force was a persistent gap in my workflow that I couldn’t ignore any … Read More

Integrating Touch Support to Drag-and-Drop Interfaces

In the previous blog post, we went over how to use the HTML Drag-and-Drop interface, which is a well-supported web API that’s available to use across major web browsers. Here, we will go over how we can extend our previous demo to support touch interactions so that our application can be used across various devices … Read More

Mastering the HTML Drag And Drop API

For web developers, creating intuitive and interactive user interfaces is essential to providing a great user experience. One feature that significantly enhances the user experience is drag-and-drop functionality. This feature allows users to manipulate elements on the screen in a natural and interactive way. In this article, we will explore the HTML Drag and Drop … Read More

Client-side Data Persistence with IndexedDB

A Deep Dive into IndexedDB In a previous article, I compared client-side storage solutions: localStorage, sessionStorage, cookies, and touched briefly on IndexedDB. In the vast ecosystem of web storage solutions, IndexedDB stands out as a powerful, low-level API for client-side storage of significant amounts of structured data. While cookies, localStorage, and sessionStorage are suited for … Read More

Client-side Data Persistence for Web Applications

In the realm of web development, ensuring data persistence is a top priority. Web developers face the challenge of storing data seamlessly and effectively, often juggling various storage solutions to meet specific needs. One of the leading and supported options is IndexedDB, a powerful client-side database solution. Though SessionStorage, LocalStorage, and cookies have their places, … Read More

A Beginner’s Guide to Building a Custom Vite Plugin

ViteJS (Vite) has rapidly emerged as one of the most exciting tools in the modern web development ecosystem. Vite offers developers a highly efficient and flexible build process with sane defaults to get a project up and running quickly. One of the many features that makes Vite truly stand out is its extensible Plugin API. … Read More

AWS Lambda Development with Serverless Framework and LocalStack

Writing AWS Lambda functions using the Serverless Framework makes it easy to manage dependencies that your functions depend on as far as third-party packages or keeping track of the AWS resources that your service utilizes. The Serverless Framework automates a lot of the resource allocation and packaging of the functions with a CLI tool named … Read More