Ken Rimple

Philly ETE 2016 #39 – Building Wireless Sensors with Don Coleman

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This session will look at building wireless sensors on a variety of hardware: the super low cost ESP8266, the Particle Photon and it’s cloud services, and the new Arduino MKR1000.

Philly ETE 2016 #38 – Adventures in Elm: Events, Reproducibility, and Kindness – Jessica Kerr

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This session gives an overview of Elm, then focuses on the Elm Architecture: how it overturns what is essential in object-oriented and even backend functional programming.

Philly ETE 2016 #37 – Rust in Production – Steve Klabnik

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Rust reached 1.0 a year ago, and so there’s a question everyone is asking: how has 1.0 tested in production? Is the language “ready” yet? In this talk, Steve will give an overview of Rust’s value proposition, focusing on examples and anecdotes from companies using Rust in production today. Slides from Steve’s talk are now available on the Chariot Solutions site.

The State of Angular 2.0: Are we there yet?

At Chariot, we've been Tracking the replacement of AngularJs with a from-the-bottom-up rewrite called Angular 2 for over a year and a half now. Let’s look at where the framework stands as it has released RC2 late last week and RC3 today.

TechCast #101 – Ken Rimple and Will Vuong on ng-conf

Today’s podcast is the second of a two-part series about ng-conf, the 3-day Google-sponsored conference on all things related to the AngularJS JavaScript framework. It features a conversation between Ken Rimple and Will Vuong on events at the all-Angular all-the-time conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. They recorded their conversation of reflections on the show shortly after the last session, which included talk on adoption of Angular 2, the reactive APIs around state management such as ngrx store, and more.

TechCast #100 – Ken Rimple on ng-conf 2016

ng-conf is the 3-day Google-sponsored conference on all things related to the AngularJS JavaScript framework. Ken Rimple attended the show with Chariot consultant Will Voung. In this first of a two-part series, Ken runs down the major news topics from the event, including the recent release of Angular 2 Release Candidate 1, the up-and-coming Angular 2 Material Design project, NativeScript, a native application platform that runs Angular 2 code, and more.