Ken Rimple

DevNews #87 – JSConf 2014 recap, TrueCrypt bites the dust, Renderman Open Source

DevNews 87 proves that we’ll be back, even if we have to leave a resort to do so. Ken and Joel bring you the news in open source development this week, including Cordova being embedded into Visual Studio 2013, Google and Apple settling their patent row for now, Google Fiber not charging for peering services, Internet Explorer roadmap revealed, and much, much more.

Philly ETE 2014 #3 – The Functional Final Frontier – David Nolen

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a new library for ClojureScript called Om, a simple functional layer over Facebook’s React, makes some traditional hard problems in MVC based UIs simple without abandoning the abtractions OO programmers find useful.

Philly ETE 2014 #2 – Go Reactive: Blueprint for Future Applications – Roland Kuhn

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From the abstract: “The game has changed: we write interactive web applications, we distribute the processing of huge data sets and our services need to be available at all times. This new breed of applications comes with its own set of requirements and forces us to establish new blueprints for designing our systems. In this … Read More

DevNews #86 – We’ve tried to 86 the podcast, but it’s 99 times the fun

Episode 86 – which we 86'ed once but tried for again Ever have one of those Mondays? Joel Confino is out on assignment, and Ken is solo this week. He "recorded" episode 86 once, except that he didn't press RECORD. Sigh, silly programmer. Sponsored Link – Training update – Our two-day AngularJS Fundamentals training course … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 – #1 – Donn Felker – Android from the Trenches

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This talk discussed lessons learned by Donn while writing highly successful Android applications hosted on the Google Play store. You’ll learn about how to use RoboElectric, JUnit and Mockito together in your testing regime.

Philly ETE 2014 – Ken Rimple – AngularJS 101

I presented a basic tutorial on AngularJS at Philly ETE this year, pinch hitting for a speaker who had to cancel at the last minute. My slides end abruptly, however, the points are made and for more information I refer you to our website content on AngularJS, as well as our two-day training course. For … Read More

Getting Chatty with Angular, Socket.IO, Node/Express and Bootstrap

Now that we’re well into the client/server age of the web with client-side frameworks such as AngularJS and Ember, it’s time to start revisiting those typical sample projects and reviewing how they’ll change with a more intelligent client. In this tutorial we’ll wire up an AngularJS single-page web application to communicate with Web Sockets using Socket.IO and host the application using NodeJS for an all-Javascript stack.

DevNews 84 – Embers in the fire, hearts bleeding everywhere, I need a KitKat

This week we have some news in the world of security, Javascript framework Ember makes a good appearance, and we have talk of KitKat and SD Cards, as well as the state of mobile processors for Android, Windows, and iPhone (and tablets and notebooks).