Ken Rimple

Data I/O 2013 – So You Added Zookeeper to Your Stack, Now What? – Camille Fournier

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This will be an intro-level talk about ZooKeeper, why it’s useful, and what you should do with it now that you’ve got it running. I will cover the high-level purpose of ZooKeeper and guarantees that it provides, as well as covering some of the basic use cases and operational concerns.

Data I/O 2013 – Next Generation Search with Lucene and Solr 4 – Grant Ingersoll

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With the release of version 4.4 of Lucene and Solr, it is easier than ever to add and scale search capabilities to your data driven application. In this talk, Lucene and Solr committer Grant Ingersoll will walk you through the latest and greatest capabilities in Lucene and Solr related to relevance, distributed search, and faceting as well as show you how to leverage these capabilities to build fast, efficient, scalable, next generation data driven applications.

DevNews #71 – Roblox, one hour of code, Google’s robot army and more

This week, we talk about some kid related topics, including Roblox and “An hour of code”, an initiative for getting students to learn how to program. We cover Big-O notation and come back slightly better off, but with some more in-depth suggestions for you. We also talk about an article on regular expressions, how TestingBog ditched AWS, Joyant is now supporting Node.js, the bad stigma of being called a techie, and bitcoins.

DevNews #70 – Droids and flying robots taking over the world and Scala.JS

Lots of tech news available today, none of it (well aside from DNA crunching) needs an advanced degree! We have news on Typesafe’s Jamie Allen’s keynote at JAXEnter 2013 in London, two robot stories, a tale about lost bitcoins, DNA Analysis in Javascript, and Githubs expanding contexts for diffs. Also, Joel brings us a review of his first impressions with Ember.js and micro-services are exploding – what does that mean for the enterprise CTO / CIO who bets on that strategy? Find out by listening… It’s all here in the DevNews.

PhillyETE Screencast #40 – It takes a village to develop an app: A 360 degree view of getting an app from idea to the App Store (in a Regulated Enterprise)

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For companies, especially those in a regulated industry, a great idea for a mobile app is just the first piece in a puzzle where everything must fit together to make that idea a reality. From solid creative and user experience to technical implementation and stakeholder reviews, it takes a solid vision, thoughtful plan, commitment and teamwork to create an app that consumers want to use.

ETE 2013 Screencast #39 – Diversity in your IT organization – steps you can take to change your equation

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With the forecast of 40% unfilled IT jobs by 2018, this is not just a social good issue, but an economic one. But it is not easy to find women and minorities since they are not participating in the tech economy in large numbers. Join us for this panel, moderated by Navarrow Wright, CTO of Interactive One, as he brings leaders programs which are making headway to solve this issue.

ETE 2013 Screencast #38 – JavaScript Frameworks Panel: Which is the right framework for me?

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In this panel we will discuss the merits of some of these tools and what to look for when selecting a tool for a given project. What are the benefits of compiling to JavaScript as opposed to coding in it? What are the core differences between different MVC solutions? What are the tradeoffs that you make when you use an integrated framework that runs on both the client and server side? What about testing, security, and continuous integration? And if you are new to developing JavaScript applications, where do you start? Featuring Tim Branyen (Backbone contributor), Brian Ford (AngularJS core developer and co-author of AngularJS in Action), Yehuda Katz (co-author of jQuery in Action and creator of Ember), Avital Oliver (Meteor core developer), Lukas Ruebbelke (co-author of AngularJS in Action), and Robert Hanson (moderator, co-author of GWT in Action)

DevNews #69 – Google Machine Learning Becomes Sentient – or does it just love shredders?

In this episode, Joel warns us that the machines have started to learn on their own – and that maybe they can tell shredders apart from trashcans… Also, a great TechCrunch article on how you can now build dynamic grids of compute servers using Mesos and have them automatically bootstrapped and configured by Docker. We talk about CoreOS, which is a small linux distro for beginning machine configurations, the Genymotion android VM that everyone was talking about at AnDevCon2013, and more.

Chariot Solutions part of Penn’s AppItUP Program

UPStart is running a mobile app development contest known as the AppItUP Challenge. UPStart is the business incubator at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Technology Transfer. Each year, students, faculty and staff are encouraged to submit their ideas for apps, which are then judged by a panel of venture capital partners. The top ten … Read More

DevNews #68 – Clouds and Androids abound, reactive ones!

With a week of the gang has a lot to talk about, from reactive programming in Javascript with Bacon.js, to the failure of a startup (so long, and best of luck to the EverPix team, we loved your service) to the brain drain in academia due to data science, to some nitty gritty Javascript, a new reactive project in Spring, we got it all. Don’t forget to post us on the LifeHacker favorite podcasts page!