Ken Rimple

DevNews #44 – Grails, Griffon, Apache Tika, our favorite developer tools and more

Rich Freedman lent some time to talk to Ken Rimple tonight over skype and re-launch the Developer News series, which has been on hiatus since February. Here are some of the topics they discussed: Apache Tika – Apache Tika Griffon 0.9.5 released – 120 plugins?? Wow… Grails 2.0.3 is available Apache Tomcat 7.0.27 released with … Read More

ETE 2012 – Stacia Viscardi – Culture eats agile practices for breakfast

From the abstract: “Culture Eats Agile Practices for Breakfast” (quote adapted from Peter Drucker) Without the right mindset, Agile practices will stagnate, even hurt your agile transformation initiatives. Learn how to prepare for and implement sticking change in this one-hour lecture/workshop. Stacia will guide you through numerous tips and tricks resulting from real-life examples from … Read More

ETE 2012 – Nathan Marz on Storm

From the abstract: Storm makes it easy to write and scale complex realtime computations on a cluster of computers, doing for realtime processing what Hadoop did for batch processing. Storm guarantees that every message will be processed. And it’s fast – you can process millions of messages per second with a small cluster. Best of … Read More

ETE 2012 – Coda Hale – The Programming Ape

From the session abstract: “Humans, you may have noticed, are not exactly rational. And yet here we are, trying to get them to build software. It’s a bit of a mess. But there is some good news: by drawing on modern theories of human cognition we can begin to optimize our tools for how people … Read More

ETE 2012 Keynote – Chad Fowler – Self Engineering

How do you apply engineering discipline to the thing that matters most: yourself? We’re software engineers or systems engineers or network engineers. We have learned lessons the hard way. These lessons boil down to immutable laws; some things work and some things don’t. Successful engineers apply these hard-won lessons to their professions. We use the … Read More

ETE 2011 – Jonas Boner – Above the Clouds – Introducing Akka

From Jonas Boner’s abstract: “We believe that one should never have to choose between productivity and scalability, which has been the case with traditional approaches to concurrency and distribution. The cause of that has been the wrong tools and the wrong layer of abstraction – and Akka is here to change that. Akka is using … Read More

TechCast #71 – Brian Fox of Sonatype on Nexus 2

Brian Fox is a longtime open source contributor, having worked on Maven 2 and overseeing the development of Maven 3. He is the VP of Engineering at Sonatype, and currently leads the Nexus repository project. The team has just released version 2.0, which includes support for the growing .NET open source community and the NUGET library manager.

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