Managing Your AWS Credentials
Given that hardcoding is a bad idea, how should you manage your AWS keys? AWS gives you three options, which we analyze in this post.
Given that hardcoding is a bad idea, how should you manage your AWS keys? AWS gives you three options, which we analyze in this post.
Stuck on Windows but love Linux? You’ve probably tried everything: sprays, powders, running virtual machines, WSL 1.x. But now on the horizon there’s WSL 2.0, which hosts a full Linux Kernel in your running Windows instance and allows you to run things like Docker. Ken discusses his experiences with WSL 2 and provides some getting started resources.
Having spent years in AngularJS, using promises to wrap asynchronous calls became an almost daily occurrence. I loved the way asynchronous code could be quickly and easily encapsulated with a quick promise using the $q library. When I made the jump to iOS and Swift, I was left wondering how I could continue working with … Read More
Those of us who have worked with JavaScript testing APIs on various platforms shudder every time we think about configuration issues. Whether it’s the test runner, the proper testing API, picking the appropriate mock/spy/stubbing strategy, dealing with async code, it’s always a tad complicated. However, some of my latest frustrations (self-inflicted, of course) center around … Read More
Having trouble with running Jest tests once you upgrade to React 16.4.1? Here’s how to fix it. Note, this is a rather time-sensitive post and will be obsolete once the 2.x version of create-react-app is released. But for now, it can help! Also I show you how to debug Jest tests. That part is still useful.
Easily publish an Angular Library with the ng-packagr project
The Amazon Web Services SDK for Go 2.0 contains a number of enhancements compared to Go v1. Golang is a great programming language for modern cloud native applications. The language provides great facilities for better concurrency, internet content parsing (JSON, XML, etc…), support for HTTP(S), ease of cross-platform compilation, and static binary executable generation, just … Read More
A method for loading external configuration in an Angular 5 application, consistent with the 12-Factor Methodology
Find out how the new HttpClient in Angular 4.3.1+ helps you write less code and test your services more easily.
Overview One of the new but little discussed APIs in iOS 11 allows the addition of swipe actions on UITableView rows via the new UISwipeActionsConfiguration class and associated UITableViewDelegate methods. Adding swipe left or swipe right actions is now pretty simple, so lets just dive right in. To try out these new APIs, a very … Read More