
Converting a Java Spring application to Scala

Supposedly Scala requires a completely different programming style. But what happens when you just want a Spring application? Is it possible to program in Scala without jumping in the deep end? Chariot’s John Shepard illustrates the difference in approach in this quick tutorial.

AngularJS Corner – The ngMock and ngMockE2E libraries

AngularJS provides two powerful mock and test support modules, both contained in a single script file. The modules, ngMock and ngMockE2E, provide different features for different purposes, though both modules are defined in, angular-mocks.js. In this post I’ll explain the differences between the modules and how they get mounted in a test scenario.

AngularJS Corner – Using promises and $q to handle asynchronous calls

A number of Angular services return promises: $http, $interval, $timeout, for example. Anything needing to run in the background will need to coordinate with a caller such as a controller or directive, and the promise API is the way to go. But how does it work? We’ll show you how with this short tutorial.

Getting Chatty with Angular, Socket.IO, Node/Express and Bootstrap

Now that we’re well into the client/server age of the web with client-side frameworks such as AngularJS and Ember, it’s time to start revisiting those typical sample projects and reviewing how they’ll change with a more intelligent client. In this tutorial we’ll wire up an AngularJS single-page web application to communicate with Web Sockets using Socket.IO and host the application using NodeJS for an all-Javascript stack.

JavaScript's Modern Tools – Grunt – Ant for the Browser?

In our prior JavaScript build tools posts, we already discussed bower and npm, two tools that help you download and install dependencies. But what about tools to build your application, run tests, distribute minified versions and run quality checks? Enter Grunt.

Order Out Of Chaos – Maintaining ordered processing of messages in AKKA actors

The reactive paradigm is a wonderful thing. The basic idea is that a reactive application, as much as possible, is asynchronous from beginning to end. It should be event driven, fault tolerant, scalable and responsive. Writing an asynchronous application, however, has it’s own set of unique challenges. In this post I’ll demonstrate an approach we took to solve the challenge of maintaining a definite order, specifically when performing database updates in asynchronous code within an actor.

Twilio SMS Receive – Crazy Simple

Twilio is a cloud based service that enables you to programmatically make and receive phone calls and SMS messages using their simple API. We’ll see how to receive and send SMS messages using Twilio and a simple Django app.

Using Node.js and Charles Proxy to Mock a Server API

In this post, I’ll walk through the steps to create a simple iPhone app that interacts with a public API, using Node and Charles to simulate an error response.  This post assumes some experience writing iOS code, but all the source code will be available on GitHub…

Android Data Sync

If you have an Android app that 1) reads and/or writes data from a SQLite database and 2) needs to update that data periodically from another source, say a RESTful web service then one approach you can take is to hook into the Android Sync Service. I recently created an Android project with a Sync Adapter to consume and publish data to a simple Go RESTful web service and I’d like to share what I’ve learned.