
Simply explained: Akka Streams Backpressure

Backpressure Food for thought Very simply put, the idea behind backpressure is the ability to say "hey slow down!". Let's start with an example that has nothing to do with software: Imagine you own a factory that produces doughnuts (lucky you!) and just signed a contract with the largest grocery chain in the Northeast US. To increase output, you decided to overhaul your existing factory and open a new one. Late Monday evening you get a text "Emergency! Get to…

The Internet Of Things with Scala – Part 2

This is a continuation of my Internet of Things with Scala posting. In this installment I will go over the assembly of the device that will be used to capture the soil moisture data and send it to an MQTT broker so that it may be picked up by the Scala/Akka based application. The Parts The main component of the soil sensor module will be the Particle Photon pictured below: Image from SparkFun by Juan Pena licensed under the CC…

What LightBend's next round of financing means to the Software Development World

Last week, Lightbend (formerly Typesafe) received a cash infusion of $20M from investors (see announcement here). At Chariot, we are happy for our partner. More than that, we believe that it signals a growing trend of the importance of the convergence of IoT, mobile and the collection and use of data in real time. IDC has predicted that the IoT market will be $2.2 trillion dollars in the next four years. With a wide array of industries looking to utilize…

The Internet Of Things with Scala – Part I

There has been a great deal of buzz around the Internet of Things lately. The advent of small inexpensive devices and in particular the Arduino has inspired a generation of people with no background in electrical engineering to do some very creative things. I myself was first inspired by the Arduino and had built several small projects around the DueMilaNove model. I am a software consultant by trade so naturally I loved the fact that I could program these devices…

Data At The Speed Of Life – Reactive IoT Applications in Scala with Angular2

I had recently come off of a three year contract and found myself with some time on my hands. I was interested in working on an application that interfaced directly with some sort of small device. The director of our company, Don Coleman, had done a good bit of work with small devices so I spoke to him about the possibility of building a small application around those devices. He agreed to it and offered to assist from the hardware end. Our director of training, Ken Rimple, was researching the Angular 2 JavaScript framework at the time and offered to build the UI for the application. We eventually decided that we would build a demo to display at our booth at the 2016 South by SouthWest conference. This post explains our approach and some lessons learned.

Angular 2 RC1 and more announced – ng-conf 2016 recap

Well, another ng-conf has come and gone, and this one produced the first official release candidate of Angular 2.0 (RC1). There were tons of things happening here at the conference, and I know I can't give you a complete rundown, but here are a few big highlights. The big release – Angular 2.0.0-RC1 Yep, it's live. Angular 2.0, RC1. We've been waiting a year for this, and this means we're getting to less breaking changes, but what else does it…

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