
A Guiding "Light" to Learning Clojure

I’ve recently started learning Clojure after a little encouragement from co-worker of mine.  I’ve been developing in Java for a while now and spent the last 1 1/2 years with Groovy.  The Groovy experience was great and the use of closures certainly “whet my appetite” for functional programming. Ok, for me, when I learn something new I need to have tools that are not distracting so that I’m focused on the material.  In this case, I wanted to take a…

A Spring summary: The Spring framework is still relevant

This article by Ken Rimple is from a post on A Spring Summary: The Spring Framework is Still Relevant With the advent of the simpler versions of Java EE comes a chorus of Java EE aficionados calling for developers to jettison proprietary application frameworks and embrace the core. Spring is one framework targeted for elimination, and several articles and tutorials have claimed that it’s obsolete. To kick off a regular monthly column on TSS, I’ll tackle the question of why the Spring…

HTTPS with Client Certificates on Android

Many Android applications use REST or another HTTP based protocol to communicate with a server. Working with HTTP and HTTPS on Android is generally fairly straightforward and well documented. Depending on the version of the Android OS, either HTTPClient or HttpURLConnection “just work”. Either one can be used, but the official recommendation is to use HttpURLConnection for Gingerbread or later, and HTTPClient for Froyo and earlier. Things get interesting, however, once you go past “plain vanilla” HTTPS. On a recent…

Installing PhoneGap Plugins with pluginstall

Phonegap applications can be extended with plugins to add additional functionality. Historically, installing plugins meant copying a bunch of files into the correct places in your project. Andrew Lunny wrote the Cordova Plugin Specification and pluginstall. Pluginstall is a tool that automates the installation of plugins which conform to the plugin specification. In addition to demonstrating pluginstall, we’ll also use the PhoneGap create script to make a new project. The cordova build scripts will be used for compiling and installing…

Top Questions To Ask When Choosing an Android Development Firm or Developer

Now that we understand the implications and challenges of embarking on an Android project, let’s discuss how to find the right firm or developer for the job! You are ultimately responsible for the application – even if you go the outsourcing route. Things happen, disagreements happen, and turn over happens. The likelihood is high that you will need to maintain the application at some point in its lifecycle. The better the code, the easier the maintenance will be. There is…

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