Breaking: Android Philly ETE Application Released
We kept the functionality you love and gave the app a fresh new look. We’d love to hear what you think!
We kept the functionality you love and gave the app a fresh new look. We’d love to hear what you think!
No, Chariot Day is not a group of Ben Hur enthusiasts reenacting Roman-era racing. Chariot Day is a one day technical conference put on by the techies at my company, Chariot Solutions, on a Saturday. To borrow a phrase, Chariot Day is of the people, by the people, for the people. It is loose, it is informative and it is fun. It’s a chance to catch up with all of the other Chariot Solutions consultants who are spread out at…
Tomorrow is Chariot Day! Charioteers will give 45 minute presentations on a broad spectrum of topics, including enterprise Java techniques, mobile, and Arduinos. I’m planning a dive into Android and teaching concepts along the way. At the end of my session, students will away with a simple Doctor Who app and learn about these foundation topics: XML layouts Themes, styles, drawables, & strings Click/event handling Starting a new activity Specifying an icon for the app Fragments & tablet version (if time) Read…
Introduction In this post, I continue the development of my basic “exercise app” that I started (and enhanced) in these posts: Intro to Backbone with jQuery Mobile Sorting Collections with Backbone.js and jQuery Mobile From a List to a Details View using jQuery Mobile and Backbone.js Let’s add the ability to create and edit exercise records. Adding a new activity Just like in the previous post, the first thing we need is a jQueryMobile page to hold the form content….
This post will build on the example application from the Introduction to Sencha Touch post. We will look at sorting, templates, navigation and forms. Sorting In the existing code new items appear at the bottom of the list. I’d prefer to see the newest items first. After a Sorter is added to the Store, Sencha displays records in the proper order. var store = Ext.create(‘’, { storeId: “activityStore”, model: “Activity”, proxy: { type: ‘ajax’, url: ‘exercise.json’ }, sorters: [ {…
In my previous post I built a basic application to demonstrate the use of Backbone.js with jQueryMobile (JQM). The introduction can be found here, with a brief subsequent post on sorting collections here. In this post, I would like to add the capability to view the details of the items presented in the list view. The first step is to create a new JQM page to display the details view. JQM makes it pretty easy to add pages to your…
Spring Namespaces Spring provides several namespaces to simplify XML configuration, such as jdbc, tx, aop, etc. We Spring developers are already familiar with the required beans namespace. Spring Namespaces are defined at the top of the XML file. Here we define the namespaces we need to use, and reference the schema (XSD) that validates the XML.
Steve Smith recently looked at jQuery Mobile and Backbone using a simple application that allowed a user to track their daily exercise. I’m going to duplicate his example using Sencha Touch. Sencha Touch is a framework for building mobile applications using HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. This example uses the Developer Preview of Sencha Touch 2.0. Here’s what our project looks like. A Sencha Touch application is loaded from an HTML page. The HTML loads CSS and Javascript. Sencha Touch applications…
Spring 3.1 Environment Profiles Profiles Spring 3.1 now includes support for the long awaited environment aware feature called profiles. Now we can activate profiles in our application, which allows us to define beans by deployment regions, such as “dev”, “qa”, “production”, “cloud”, etc. We also can use this feature for other purposes: defining profiles for performance testing scenarios such as “cached” or “lazyload”. Essential Tokens Spring profiles are enabled using the case insensitive tokens or spring_profiles_active. This token can…
For our first look at what’s in store for ETE 2012, we talk with our own Ken Rimple, co-author of Spring Roo in Action. Ken is Director of Education Services and is a regular co-host of Chariot’s TechCast – our monthly podcast series focusing on development and training in Spring, Rails, Scala, Hibernate, Maven and other emerging technologies in the field. Q: After last year’s tremendous following and turnout for ETE, people are really expecting this year to raise the…