
Full-Text Search For Relational Data

Thanks to internet search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, everyone has become accustomed to searching their data effortlessly. Consequently, as developers of web-based applications, we increasingly find that our customers’ requirements include being able to search their application’s data in a “Google-like” way. For a very small subset of applications that only need to do full-text search on a few database columns, there a some very simplistic solutions, ranging from using a SQL ‘like’ clause on every column to…

Groovy Script to Tame Gmail Attachments

I like Gmail but it has a big short coming: you can’t sort mail by attachment size. This means that if you are running out of space in your Gmail account, you can’t easily find large attachments like that 25MB video that your friend sent you of his kid’s graduation or other large attachment that you really would like to get rid of. There are sites like that will help you find large attachments, but the downside is that…

The Ultimate Power of Spring Batch

Chariot architect Anatoly Polinsky has created an interactive Prezi presentation about the power of Spring Batch. It is an animated blog post because Anatoly is not just a software developer, he’s an artist. It is a cool way to get familiar with what Spring Batch does for you and a lot of fun to watch.

Growing Up with Jenkins/Hudson, Nexus, and Sonar, Part 1

In my previous post I explained why I think you should use Jenkins (or his twin Hudson), Nexus, and Sonar to super-charge your Maven builds. To summarize, Jenkins is a continuous integration server that runs your builds, Nexus is an artifact repository that versions and stores your jars/wars/zips/etc, and Sonar is a metrics server that gathers code metrics and produces nice reports to help you improve code quality. All 3 products are free OSS and really useful. But scaling anything…

Learnings from Actor Development

I spent a fair amount of time developing actor-based systems recently, specifically with the Scala Actor library. Regardless of whether you are implementing actors with the Scala library, Akka, Lift or Scalaz, some basic gotchas can present themselves until you get a feel for what you’re doing. Here are some of them that I’ve learned the hard way. Never Refer Directly to Other Actors Actors are fragile and can die easily. While you typically create a supervisor with a strategy…

Associative Arrays in Bash 4

John Shepard, one of Chariot’s architects and newest bloggers, just recently posted this on his blog. A little different from our more focused software dev posts, we hope you will find this information useful. I recently switched my work machine from OS X to Fedora. One of the first programs I noticed was missing was Time Machine. After being unable to get any of the backup software for Linux to behave as desired, a project emerged. Ignoring most of the details…

HTML 5 Offline Applications with JQuery Mobile

I can’t believe it is a month since our last post.  Vacation got in the way, but our consultants have been blogging on various topics.  There is some catching up to do over the next week. New to the blogsphere is John Shepard.  John recently posted around JQuery ad HTML5, and what he has been doing with his spare time. I was recently playing around with JQuery Mobile and was wondering how easy it would be to create an HTML…

Debugging PhoneGap and JavaScript

This is a “reprint” of a guest blog post on the PhoneGap blog, by our resident PhoneGap expert, Hiedi Utley.  Hiedi tackles debugging JavaScript on PhoneGap. If you have ever written any JavaScript and tried to get it working on a mobile phone then spent hours banging your head against the wall because it just doesn’t work, this post is just for you. Today, we will be looking at ways to troubleshoot, diagnose, and debug your mobile web project. While…

Spock It Like You Mean It!

This post was just put up on the blog of one of our architects, Anatoly Polinsky.  Anatoly has a playful take on Spock, a Groovy testing framework, and specifically, abotu connecting Spock with Spring and DbUnit. So here we go.. Yesterday night we hacked our way into The Ancient Database where besides the data about ancients themselves, we found incredible stats about many different living species of all the planets ancients traveled to. So what do we do now? Well,…

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