
What is in my Spring Context?

When we are learning Spring, there are times we are not sure which beans are in the Spring context. Especially when we use convenient features of Spring 3 such as or . As developers, we want to inspect the classes that are automatically registered providing the opportunity to look at the source code and javadocs to see what each class does. JUnit Tests get Application Context Our JUnit tests have the ability to inject the Application Context. This is one…

PhoneGap Tutorial Series – #1 Project Structure and Internals

Heidi Utley, one of the members of our mobile practice, has been working with PhoneGap for one of our clients. She decided to create a series of posts focusing on using PhoneGap for iPhone development. This first one discusses the project structure.  Future posts will review the PhoneGap API, installing a third party plugin, and last building your own PhoneGap plugin. What is PhoneGap? PhoneGap is an open source framework for writing applications using typical web technologies like HTML, CSS,…

Xcode3 – Debugging iOS Unit Tests

A recent blog post by Hiedi Utley (no, she is not related to our knee challenged second baseman), Chariot’s newest team addition.  Hiedi has been working in our mobile practice.  She reviews some of the challenges of being a Java developer and moving to an iOS environment. Here is an excerpt from this post: So you have some unit tests (yeah!) and they are failing …. now what? Over the course of my career these past few years, I have…

Mobile Design Part 3

The next installment of Kevin Griffin’s blog on Mobile Design. Cognitive Effort. In this installment of my thoughts on mobile design, I thought we would take a look at the concept of ‘cognitive effort’. I think I first heard that term used in reference to design from William Van Hecke (@fetjuel) when he spoke at Voices that Matter in Philly. When a guy from The OmniGroup talks to be about making great apps, I tend to shut up and listen….

JUnit & Spring – What You Don’t Know

Gordon Dickens, Chariot architect and one of our education trainers, recently wrote this blog post on JUnit and Spring. When using JUnit in Spring there are several features added that many developers are not aware of. First, if you are including the Spring Context in your tests, it becomes an Integration Test, no longer a Unit Test. 1. Default Searching of Context File(s) To instruct Spring to load beans for the tests in the class, we annotate the class with…

What's Coming in Spring 3.1

Spring 3.1.0 M1 is expected to be released on Feb 10, 2011. There are many exciting new features expected for the final release which is scheduled for June 2011. Environment Profiles Many times we want separate configuration for different environments such as development, qa, production. Also, we may want to provide different bean configuration for traditional or cloud environments as well. Beans can be configured in XML with the additional “profile” attribute Activate 1..n profiles in code or with java…

Sending Beans as XML with JmsTemplate

Introduction We often want to send XML via web services. We may already have the schema or annotated JAXB2 classes configured in our application. What if we want to send the same format via JMS? By default Spring JMS is configured to send & receive objects serialized. How can we switch to using JAXB2 (or any other OXM marshaling strategy)? The following example assumes we are going from annotations first instead of from XML Schema. Quick Overview Annotate Bean with…

Philly ETE 2011 mobile line up!

This post is via Kevin Griffin, Chariot Architect and committee chair of the Mobile tract for ETE: Philly ETE 2011 mobile line up! Just thought I would post an update on the current lineup for Philly ETE. I’ve been involved in helping get the mobile track lineup sorted out and so far we have confirmed the following: Josh Clark – my favorite ‘Tapworthy‘ author. Johnathon Stark – He literally wrote the books on making mobile apps with HTML, CSS and…

Web Application Security

The recent news that the popular dating site Plenty Of Fish was hacked and that passwords and other user information was stolen truly disheartened me. It was just the latest in a seemingly endless list of such hacks over the years, recently including Gawker Media (Lifehacker, Gizmodo), McDonald’s, Walgreen’s and Pizza Hut. Apparently, Little Bobby Tables is alive and well. What is disheartening to me is not so much the security breaches themselves. No site is completely secure. The operators…

Executing JavaScript from Objective-C in an iOS App

New blog post from Steve Smith, one of the Chariot architects working in our mobile practice. Steve is currently working on updating the mobile app for our Emerging Technologies conference and will be posting articles from time to time as he finds challenges or discoveries. Here is an excerpt: The other day, I found the need to execute some JavaScript from a native iOS application. After doing a little research, I discovered that the UIWebView has a stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString method. So…

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