15 Minutes With: Rod Biresch on Looking Through a UX Lens as a Mobile Developer

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In today’s episode, Pete Fleming talks to Rod Biresch, a talented mobile developer here at Chariot (who is celebrating 15 years with the company this year!)

On top of being a mobile software architect, Rod is an avid golfer. In particular, he likes the game of Wolf, a classic golf game that involves four players. So while enjoying some PTO in 2016, he decided to build a mobile app to help him keep track of the game on the golf course. In 2020, Rod worked with a Chariot team that included Pete Fleming to redesign the Wolf Golf Scorecard app.

Being a software developer himself, Rod was accustomed to ‘just building the thing.’ But as the project matured, he found himself seated in the product owner chair: making decisions around UX, branding, marketing, and more.

Pete Fleming guided the UX analysis for Rod’s mobile app, which not only changed Rod’s perspective of UX, but identified subtle-yet-impactful areas of improvement. So what did this process look like? How did Rod and Pete prioritize the heuristics during the UX evaluation? And lastly, what takeaways do they have, both from the design and development side?

Rod and Pete discuss the importance of UX through the lens of this pet project.

Is there anything you’d like us to discuss in this series? Email info@chariotsolutions.com, or leave a thought below.