Search results for: angularjs

Hybrid Mobile Apps with Ionic at Philly Tech Week

Are you interested in building mobile apps that target both iOS and Android from a single codebase? Yet you want a native package you can deploy to the App Store? This workshop will introduce you to the Ionic framework and tools for building hybrid mobile apps that can be deployed to multiple app stores. Over the course of three hours, you’ll install the necessary tools and infrastructure, create and deploy a basic hybrid mobile app, and run and test it in the simulator.

TechCast #96 – Philly ETE Happy Hour Chat

In this episode of the TechCast, Ken Rimple and Sujan Kapadia talk to five speakers of Philly ETE – Mike Hartington of Drifty, Jeff Labonski of Chariot Solutions, Martin Snyder of Wingspan, Alex Miller, co-author of Clojure Applied and organizer of The Strange Loop conference, and Andrea Falcone of Twitter.

Angular 2 Beta 0 (somnambulant-inauguration) lands – Small App with Rxjs, TypeScript

Now that sonambulent-inauguration, properly known as Angular 2.0.0-beta.0, has dropped, let’s see what the public API is shaping up to be. We’ll review how to create a component from the application bootstrap, using the Http API to fetch a JSON object from HTTP, and see how the template API has changed now that we have to use camelCased property names.

Angular2 Observables, Http, and separating services and components

What Angular1 brought, Angular2 takes away – for a good reason. No more Promises in ng2! See how observables make Angular2 a reactive, functional platform. We’ll roll up our sleeves and get something practical done with Angular2’s Http service, and we’ll get some data via the new Http service – it's quite a bit different than the Angular 1 $http service semantically, but serves the same purpose, but is also more fully featured.

DevNews #100 – Strap on your tin foil hats, it’s our 100th show!

Upcoming Philly Area Events June 20 – Old City, Philadelphia – Ken Rimple @ LibertyJS doing an AngularJS for beginners workshop in the AM June 18 – Agile Philly – Strafford, PA – Exploratory Testing for Mobile Devices June 24 – Agile Philly – Center City, Philadelphia – Agile Transitions June 18 – CocoaHeads – … Read More