Search results for: angularjs

How to Fake Alexa Notifications

It’s a known limitation that a custom Alexa skill cannot perform notifications. That is, Alexa can only speak when first spoken to, and cannot spontaneously alert you that you have an appointment coming up or whatever. There’s a simple way to fake it, though, if you’re using an Echo device and you have a spare … Read More

What's New in Ionic 2

Now that Angular 2 is final, I thought I’d take another look at Ionic 2. With an Ionic 2 Release Candidate also available, hopefully everything will be a bit more stable from here on forward… (Hopefully.) In any case, here are some of the differences I’ve found in Ionic 2 compared to Ionic 1: The … Read More

The State of Angular 2.0: Are we there yet?

At Chariot, we've been Tracking the replacement of AngularJs with a from-the-bottom-up rewrite called Angular 2 for over a year and a half now. Let’s look at where the framework stands as it has released RC2 late last week and RC3 today.

TechCast #101 – Ken Rimple and Will Vuong on ng-conf

Today’s podcast is the second of a two-part series about ng-conf, the 3-day Google-sponsored conference on all things related to the AngularJS JavaScript framework. It features a conversation between Ken Rimple and Will Vuong on events at the all-Angular all-the-time conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. They recorded their conversation of reflections on the show shortly after the last session, which included talk on adoption of Angular 2, the reactive APIs around state management such as ngrx store, and more.

TechCast #100 – Ken Rimple on ng-conf 2016

ng-conf is the 3-day Google-sponsored conference on all things related to the AngularJS JavaScript framework. Ken Rimple attended the show with Chariot consultant Will Voung. In this first of a two-part series, Ken runs down the major news topics from the event, including the recent release of Angular 2 Release Candidate 1, the up-and-coming Angular 2 Material Design project, NativeScript, a native application platform that runs Angular 2 code, and more.

Data At The Speed Of Life – Reactive IoT Applications in Scala with Angular2

I had recently come off of a three year contract and found myself with some time on my hands. I was interested in working on an application that interfaced directly with some sort of small device. The director of our company, Don Coleman, had done a good bit of work with small devices so I spoke to him about the possibility of building a small application around those devices. He agreed to it and offered to assist from the hardware end. Our director of training, Ken Rimple, was researching the Angular 2 JavaScript framework at the time and offered to build the UI for the application. We eventually decided that we would build a demo to display at our booth at the 2016 South by SouthWest conference. This post explains our approach and some lessons learned.