TechChat Tuesdays #4: Outages, breaches, and post-mortems

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This livestream took place on July 14, 2020, at noon. This is a recording. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified of our next livestream – or bookmark this link and tune in every Tuesday at noon EST to hang out with Ken.

Today Ken covers a new React feature, ReactJS Concurrent, gets excited about Angular 10, and talks about the way people share and learn from post mortem reports about big outages and breaches with the general public.

Episode Links

ReactJS Concurrent (kudos to Danny Miladinov who made Ken aware of this feature):
Concurrent Mode Intro
Concurrent Mode Suspense
Wrapping setstate in a transition
Code sandbox
Adding a pending indicator
Code sandbox
Kent C. Dodds’ post about how to enable React Concurrent mode

Angular 10
Angular Blog announcement
Stackblitz’ date picker example

Philly ETE 2020 Videos
YouTube Playlist
On the Chariot Site

App Failures, Post-Mortems, and Site Reliability Engineering
Facebook issues
The Verge: iOS social apps crashing
Cloudflare blog: Mitigating a 754 million PPS DDoS attack automatically
Google’s post-mortem culture
Google on Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
the Cloudflare blog
Other post-mortems, collected by Github user @danluu
Jamie Allen’s ETE 2020 talk on site reliability engineering

And for all episodes of this livestream series: TechChat Tuesdays