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TechCast #94 – Luke Wagner on WebAssembly

Luke Wagner is a research engineer at Mozilla, the makers of Firefox and the shepherds of the JavaScript language specification, known as ECMAScript and managed by the famous TC-39 subcommittee. Luke and his group are working on building a specification for and implementation of a binary runtime for the web. Known as WebAssembly, this runtime would execute binary code that could be written in any number of source languages and operate at fast speeds. Mozilla and the WebAssembly W3C Community…

TechCast #93 – Ari Lerner on Angular 2

Ari Lerner is an author, teacher, and developer who founded fullstack.io and develops the ng-book and ng-book 2 on Angular 1 & 2. Ken speaks to Ari about TypeScript, observables, and Angular 2, as well as the adoption curve of the new framework. Ari will be a speaker at Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise. His talk is called Taming the Wild Wild West of Next-Gen Front-End Apps. Learn more about this developer-friendly, Chariot-sponsored conference here. We Talk to Ari About:…

TechCast #92 – Steve Klabnik on Rust

This week, we talk to Rust Core Developer and upcoming Philly Emerging Tech Speaker Steve Klabnik. Steve wrote the Rust guide and contributes to the Rust documentation, and has been a core team member since December of 2014. Steve will be a speaker at Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise. His talk is called Rust in Production. Learn more about this developer-friendly, Chariot-sponsored conference here. We Talk to Steve About: How three groups in particular – systems programmers, functional programmers, and…

TechCast #91 – Brent Vatne on React Native

Today’s TechCast features Brent Vatne, who explains how the React Native framework can be used to build applications in both iOS and Android using JavaScript and CSS. We talk about how Brent got started on the project, how he prefers React Native to iOS and Android native development, and how it stacks up compared to other JavaScript mobile frameworks like Ionic. Brent has worked on both server and client side applications using Ruby, JQuery, Backbone and Angular before coming to…

DevNews #103 – Hello Chakra, Sayonara IE

Show Notes Microsoft opens all of your chakras by open-sourcing the core of MS Edge Javascript renderer, Chakra. Tin foil hat portion of our show: Remote Code execution on Trend Micro. This is currently plugged, but still interesting. We also learn that when Jeff visits the dark corners of the internet… for recipes… he always does safely it on a VM. Pour out a 40 for all your dead web apps. IE 8, 9, 10 are now officially EOL, and…

TechCast #90 – Clojure Conj 2015

ClojureConj is the yearly get-together for the Clojure community, and Chariot was a sponsor this year as it happened in our backyard. What follows is a quick conversation with Chariot consultants Dan Boykis, Anatoly Polinsky, and Ron Lusk about their week attending the Conj. We apologize for the noise on the recording – people were packing up boxes while we were talking and pulling tape out of spools. But we hope the resources we mention are helpful! Some of our…

DevNews #102 – TACO, terrible testing, and party comets

Today I’m joined by Chariot consultants Sujan Kapadia (@SlurpeeOperator) and Eric Snyder to recap what we deemed to be this week’s exciting tech news. Upcoming Events Chariot is sponsoring Clojure Conj, to be held on Nov 16-18 at the Sheraton Dock Street in Philadelphia. We are also co-sponsoring the HazelCast User Group Meetup on November 19th. Join us in our webinar, Tools for Building the Real-Time Organization, on December 8th. Show Notes JavaOne is happening in SF as we speak,…

DevNews #101 – Return of the tin foil hat brigade

It’s the long-awaited return of DevNews! Today, Jeff Labonski and I talk all things tech in our first ever live-streaming YouTube show. Upcoming Events November 10th – Don Coleman’s Bluetooth Low Energy workshop. Walk away with your own Arduino hardware. Chariot is sponsoring Clojure Conj, to be held on Nov 16-18 at the Sheraton Dock Street in Philadelphia. Show Notes [Tin foil hat brigade] Malvertising is on the rise – injections of Nasty Stuff Indeed are coming across the major…

TechCast #89 – Bill Mensch on the Microcomputer Revolution

Who knew that Chariot had a microcomputer revolutionary connected to a consultant on our staff? Turns out, we do. Bill Mensch co-invented the 6502 processor, the chip that launched the Apple 1, Commodore VIC-20, and many other devices – all in our backyard.

DevNews #100 – Strap on your tin foil hats, it’s our 100th show!

Upcoming Philly Area Events June 20 – Old City, Philadelphia – Ken Rimple @ LibertyJS doing an AngularJS for beginners workshop in the AM June 18 – Agile Philly – Strafford, PA – Exploratory Testing for Mobile Devices June 24 – Agile Philly – Center City, Philadelphia – Agile Transitions June 18 – CocoaHeads – Center City, Philadelphia – Monthly Meeting June 20 – CocoaHeads – King of Prussia, PA – Side-Project Saturday (Suburb Edition) June 27 – Sponsored by…

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