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DevNews 84 – Embers in the fire, hearts bleeding everywhere, I need a KitKat

This week we have some news in the world of security, Javascript framework Ember makes a good appearance, and we have talk of KitKat and SD Cards, as well as the state of mobile processors for Android, Windows, and iPhone (and tablets and notebooks).

DevNews Programming Note – Schedule Update

I’ve made a decision to move the Developer News to a bi-weekly podcast. Though the decision was a hard one, we are finding it hard to do a show every week, and sometimes we have to scramble for enough time to prep appropriately. I think moving to a bi-weekly slot will help us provide some more in-depth topics and also keep us from losing focus. We’ll be doing the next show on Monday, March 24th. Thanks, Ken Rimple

DevNews 82 – We discuss Dashing dashboards, our favorite Vagrant, ECMAScript 6 (look, ma, CLASSES) and of course we rant…

You miss a week, you get, well, more articles. See what the DevNews team has come up with this week – we talk about the unveiling of the BitCoin Founder (maybe?), Mt. Gox a bit, software patents (and Ken brings up his old trope – Unlocking the Sky IS a good book!), the new Vagrant and Vagrant remote client, how Cell Phone Unlocking WOULD have been great if the lobbyists could have stopped tweaking it, and more.

DevNews is away for a week…

The DevNews is away this week on assignment.  Well, not really, but we had our Chariot Day internal conference on Saturday, and Ken is away on travel. We’ll be back next week. Here’s a nice waterfall picture for your enjoyment…  (Stone Mountain State Park, North Carolina):  

DevNews #81 – Distortion, crypto flaw in iOS and Mac, imperative to functional and more

We talk about the new Java 8 functional programming mode, forget to hit record, talk about the peering issues with Netflix vs everyone, and more… Now with louder, distorted audio!

DevNews #79 – My So-called $8000 Spun Nylon 3D Printed Lamp

Joel and Ken talk about 3D printing advances, some Go tutorials, a great Promises tutorial, Chromecast’s new streaming API, and more. Stay tuned toward the end for some hilarious product reviews when we discuss FlappyBird.

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