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ETE 2010 #7 – Audrey Troutt – Influencing your way to Agile

  Our ETE 2010 Session today is “Influencing your way to Agile” by Audrey Troutt. Audrey Troutt is a Software Engineer at the Drexel Math Forum.  She can be reached on twitter at @auditty. In this talk, Audrey describes ways to approach your team members, bosses, bosses bosses, and other types in a more productive, influential way.  She discusses common pitfalls and traps, and the talk is very informative as well as entertaining. At the end of the session she takes…

ETE 2010 #6 – Write once, run on any phone

ETE Session #6 is “Write Once, Run on Any Phone” A session with Chariot’s Aaron Mulder and Kevin Griffin. They discuss three popular mobile frameworks that allow developers to write the software one time and deploy it to each phone platform supported by the framework. Rhodes, Titanium and PhoneGap are featured. Slides for the presentation can be found here.

BizCast #4 – Open Source Project Selection Part 2 with Joel Confino

In Part 1, Joel discussed licensing models.  In this episode, Joel and Ken talk about the other criteria in his selection process. Criteria License model Code Quality JavaNCSS – Free tool (and maven plugin) to analyze lines of code / number of methods, MCCabe metrics etc… JDepend – analyzes and checks for cyclic dependencies Runtime Analysis Do a performance test – check CPU, memory, I/O peaks, etc… Design Grade all software by reading the code, checking for code smell, etc….

BizCast #3 – Joel Confino on Open Source Software selection – licensing

Today my guest is Chariot's Joel Confino.  He's worked as a consultant with a variety of open source technologies, including Java and Spring, for more than a decade.  Joel has been called upon by management types on various clients to advise in matters such as open source project selection, which can be a thorny process. Today we discuss an open source evaluation and selection process that he has developed and has been made available for review in a public journal…

ETE 2010 #5 – Social Media – Why Should I Care? Panel Discussion.

Today’s ETE 2010 Session is another panel discussion: Social Media – why should I care? (session details). Panelists: Skip Shuda – CEO, Team and a Dream Chip Rodgers – VP and COO, SAP Adam Coomes – President, Infegy Erik Harbison – Senior Director of Interactive Marketing, TrueAction Ken Rimple – Director of Education, Chariot Solutions Disclosure: Chariot Solutions collaborates on social media efforts with Team and a Dream  

DevNews #17 – Roo, Gradle, Grails, Rails, Security and Cloud Backup

Our development news episode today is brought to you by the letter ‘C’.  C is for Cloud. Links: Using gradlew (the Gradle Wrapper) for Easy Gradle Execution: http://mrhaki.blogspot.com/2010/05/gradle-goodness-use-gradlew-for-easy.html Cucumber, a brief overview: http://www.lostechies.com/blogs/joeydotnet/archive/2010/06/01/cucumber.aspx Using OpenID authentication on App Engine: http://blog.notdot.net/2010/05/Using-OpenID-authentication-on-App-Engine What’s a plugin-oriented architecture (Grails plugins and web slices):  http://blog.springsource.com/2010/06/01/whats-a-plugin-oriented-architecture/ Using SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.3.M1 with Roo and GWT: http://blog.springsource.com/2010/06/02/using-springsource-tool-suite-2-3-3-m1-with-roo-and-gwt/ The Self Destruct File: http://blog.obiefernandez.com/content/2010/05/the-selfdestruct-file.html Recording of Grails/Terracotta webinar… : http://dave-klein.blogspot.com/2010/05/recording-of-grails-terracotta-webinar.html Watch AS34J – ActionScript for Java Developers by James Ward: http://www.jamesward.com/2010/05/17/watch-as34j-actionscript-3-for-java-developers/ Upcoming Events @ Chariot:…

ETE 2010 #4 – Panel Discussion – Challenges with Mobile Development

Today’s ETE 2010 session is a panel discussion I chaired on mobile application development.  Panelists were: Adum Blum – @AdamBlum – RhoMobile, a re-targetable mobile application development platform Joe Conway – Big Nerd Ranch (Apple mobile developer, trainer, mentor, co-author of iPhone Programming) Andrew Oswald – Chariot Solutions, developer of the ETE Android application representing Android development Kevin Griffin – Chariot Solutions, mobile developer, with interests in open source mobile application development tools, experience with Blackberry, iPhone development Enjoy. Ken…

DevNews #16 – Hush huh, Py Py, Hush Hush Maven-I, HTML 5 (sing it!)

Your bi-(hopefully)weekly dish of developer news, served up fresh and hot.  Well, ok, one day later than originally recorded. An un-expergated version of the links is available at http://delicious.com/developernews/16 Links My Common Git Workflow – http://yehudakatz.com/2010/05/13/common-git-workflows/ PyPy – what a name – Python written in Python.  How very meta of you!  http://alexgaynor.net/2010/may/15/pypy-future-python/ Django 1.2.1 released – now with multi-database love. http://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2010/may/24/121/ Dive into HTML 5.  FANTASTIC web site that goes through the history of HTML, and what HTML 5 is all about.  Also…

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