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TechCast #21 – SpringOne Conference Redux, Day 2

Day two of SpringOne is recapped here by our three Chariot consultants in the field:  Rich Freedman (greybeardedgeek.net), Michael Pigg and Dmitry Sklyut (itdependstm.blogspot.com) all give us their take on the sessions of the day.  Topics covered include the Spring Tomcat server offering, Spring DM, the keynote, Spring MVC, upcoming Java EE features in Spring 3.x, and more.

TechCast #20 – SpringOne Conference Recap, Day 1

Chariot is bringing you coverage from the 2008 SpringOne show floor. This initial podcast, recorded today with Rich Freedman, reviews the Rod Johnson keynote, including Spring 3.0 features, the upcoming “Application Configurator” and more.

TechCast #19 – Cloud Computing Panel Redux

Today’s podcast is a redux of last Friday’s “Fall Forecast, Computing Among the Clouds” panel discussion. Moderated by Ken Rimple (me), our guests were Kortina, a Google App / EC2 Developer Chris Richardson, author of Manning’s POJOs in Action and developer of CloudTools, an EC2 deployment framework Chris Cera, CTO of Vuzit, an Amazon EC2 / S3-based product for managing various document formats online Toby DiPasquale – a long-time user of Amazon EC2 and S3 The panel discussed various aspects…

TechCast #18 – Interview with Dan Diephouse of MuleSource

This podcast interview features Dan Diephouse of MuleSource.  We talk about his work on XFire, CXF and his current efforts with Mule.  We discuss WS-* and REST, and other web service integration issues. Time is running out to sign up for the Chariot sponsored Cloud Computing Conference, Fall Forecast, Computing Among the Clouds on October 17th, 2008 at the Penn State Great Valley campus in the western Philadelphia suburbs. For more information about this and other Chariot Tech Cast shows,…

TechCast #17 – Interview with James Ward of Adobe Systems on Flex

If anyone has been listening since our very first Podcast, we covered flex way back in February with our own Peter Paugh.  But when we had an opportunity to talk to James Ward of Adobe, a Flex evangelist and someone passionate about Flex as well as Java development, we jumped at the chance. James was a great interview, a fantastic source of information, and will be a good listen.  We talk about Flex, Flex Builder, the open sourcing of various…

TechCast #16 – Ken Interviews DreamIt startup TapInko

In this third interview about startups and technology, Ken interviews two of the founders of TapInko, a marketplace for buying and selling ads.  Ken spoke to Nicolas Warren and John Newell, who architected their application in Microsoft .NET. What we find interesting about these three ventures is the differences in approach.  One team focused on getting ideas out quickly, another focused on application development using a combination of PHP and Python, and this team focused on .NET and building out…

TechCast #15 – DreamIt Startup PhrazIt talks about their startup with Ken

This is the second in a three part series on technologies and startup companies.  Ken sat down with the founders of PhrazIt, a social web site focused on short reviews of 30 characters or less.  The team originally started, and will continue, a concept called Study Buddy, which would allow college students to find like-minded study mates. The three founders, David Kosslyn, Ryan Schoen and Shankar Ramaswamy, are college sophomores at MIT and Harvard.

TechCast #14 – Ken talks to DreamIt startup venture Snack Feed

This is the first in a three-part series of interviews we did at DreamIt, a startup incubator located at Drexel University’s science center.  DreamIt sponsors 11 different startups, houses them in the incubator, and gives them some nominal funding and education on the startup process. Snack Feed uses the social web to share videos between users.  The team members built a FireFox plugin that you can use to publish content to four major vendors at the same time, and also…

TechCast #13 – Toby DiPasquale on Google, Map-Reduce, Hadoop, Amazon EC2 and more

This week we feature an interview with Toby DiPasquale of Invite Media.  Toby and I discuss the Map-Reduce algorithm, which is the engine that powers Google’s indexing and data processing systems.  We start off by discussing how Google started indexing pages, using traditional methods such as C/C++ routines.  Quickly this became unmanageable, as the amount of data to index outstripped the processing power and traditional data transformation paradigms. Toby and I then go into discussing Map Reduce, which was originally…

TechCast #12 – Interview with Chris Cera of Vuzit on Ruby and Rails Development

This week I’m starting an occasional series of interviews on non-Java or non-traditional platform development.  I am looking for reasons that people choose Ruby on Rails, Python, and other languages in lieu of Java EE or .NET, especially in startup organizations.  This interview features Chris Cera, the CTO of Vuzit (http://www.vuzit.com), which is a document web services startup funded by DreamIt Ventures (http://www.dreamitventures.com), a Philadelphia-area seed funding program. We talk about his experiences with various dynamic languages, including Perl and…

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