
ng-conf 2019 – Ken Rimple – Introduction to Docker for Developers

Setup If you plan on following along you should have installed Docker and it should be running on your computer. Make sure you’ve created a free account on Docker and signed into it with docker login from your command line. A quick call to docker run alpine echo ‘hi there’ should verify that the engine is up and running by downloading the alpine linux container and running a simple echo command. On Windows, you will need to run Linux containers for the seminar, and this can…

Single-Page Application Day – React: Lean, Mean, and Travels in a Pack with other APIs – James Kent & Matt Gilbride

Abstract Introduced in 2013, React’s rapid adoption by the front-end community is not something to be ignored. Unlike most other front-end frameworks available today, React is not a full end-to-end solution. While this may make it easier to introduce to an existing front-end, it can be hard to find your footing. This talk will dive into the evolution of React, its build system and popular libraries used for accomplishing routing, state management and testing. View Screencast View the code from…

Single-Page Application Day – Server Architectures With Node – Jeff Labonski

Abstract Why should the browsers have all the fun? With Node, you can leverage your language skills across the backend as well. Take a dive into writing servers to support your SPA, issues peculiar to node, and pitfalls that may ensnare. We’ll look at core of v8, modules, promises/async, all the way up to client facing code using the Walmart stack (hapi, joi, boom, good, etc…) View the code from Single Page Application Day on GitHub Presentation

Single-Page Application Day – DevOps / CI with JavaScript – what’s hot, what’s not? – Jeff Labonski

Abstract If you write it it will break. When it breaks the customer will be sad. When the customer is sad you will be as well. We’ll explore code cleanliness, formatting, and linting as quality gates for developers. Expanding on this, continuous integration, unit tests and e2e testing ensure streamlined development, working code, and the beginning steps to Continuous Quality. Containerization brings repeatable deployments with immutable servers. Combine everything for development and delivery nirvana. View Screencast View the code from…

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