Philly ETE 2020 – Josh Smith – DesignOps: Integrating Product Design Into Your SDLC

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What kind of surgery does it take to integrate evidence-based, multidisciplinary innovation into your software development lifecycle, and what are the tangible benefits to teams?

Whether your organization has no design function, treats design as a centralized service/agency, or is on the path to integrating designers into your product teams, this session discusses a handful of practical approaches to this integration, and the prospective frustrations that Design Production Operations alleviates for developers, product leaders, and customers.

About Josh Smith

Josh leads the operational effectiveness of the user research, product design, and UI development capabilities at Vertex, Inc, which delivers the world’s most valued tax solutions for companies to connect, transact and comply while growing their business.

With over a decade of experience providing design leadership and creative direction, he’s passionate about the customer experience, cultures of learning, and coaching teams. Whether having worked in the film industry internationally, photographed local Philadelphia celebrities for magazines, rebranded multi-platform SAAS portfolios, or operationalized enterprise product design to scale with agile frameworks, Josh cares most about the people and relationships that make all these things possible, and firmly lives by the principle that all of us are smarter than any of us.