Philly ETE 2020 – Kevin Qian – Deno: Experiments with Javascript and Typescript

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11 years have passed since Node.js brought JavaScript to the server-side. As Node.js was gaining momentum and becoming one of the most popular server platforms, JavaScript itself continued to evolve in its own independent direction. Furthermore, with TypeScript, Go and Rust joining the game, new ideas have appeared to challenge some of the initial design decisions of Node.js. In late 2018, Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js, announced Deno, a new JavaScript/TypeScript runtime, aiming to offer some solutions to common Node.js problems, provide better security and browser compatibility, etc.

In this talk, I will give an in-depth introduction about Deno itself, how Deno deals with challenges differently from Node.js, and how Deno takes advantage of what is new in JavaScript and TypeScript. I will also discuss its internals, experiments, and how you can try it out or contribute to its development.

About Kevin Qian

Kevin is one of the earliest contributors and a core team member of Deno, a new TypeScript/JavaScript runtime, and drew the current project logo. He enjoy working on Web stuff, and had also worked on other open source projects such as Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). He is currently studying computer and network security at Stanford.