Philly ETE 2020 – Matt Gilbride & Drew DeCarme – Typesafe Design Systems

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What is a design system? The answer depends on which part of the software development team you ask. To web developers, it is often synonymous with a low-level library of components. Those components are used interchangeably to create consistent experiences that embody an organization’s brand and tone. Creating those components, in and of themselves, is easy. However, creating a component library that is scalable, flexible, AND easy to use, is not.

In this talk, we explore a technical approach to building a design system from scratch. We’ll talk about how using a type system (Typescript) can address some of the pain points involved in doing so.

Our end goal: to develop a set of type-safe utilities that increase the consistency of style implementation, all while reducing the capability for human error when developing and scaling large enterprise applications.

About Matt Gilbride

Matt is a software engineer and consultant with us at Chariot Solutions. After starting his career as a logistics analyst, he fell in love with all things programming, and has been tinkering ever since. As a server-side developer turned front-end guy, he’s hoping to help connect the dots from the database all the way to the designer.

About Drew DeCarme

Drew found his love for interface engineering very early on in his career and hasn’t looked back since. After almost 10 years in specializing in the front-end space and working for all sizes and shapes of companies, Drew has finally found a home here with us at Chariot as a front-end consultant. He loves everything there is about engineering and is always trying new things, but his passion and specialty lies in front-end architecture, scalable design pattens, and pretty much everything CSS.

As a recent convert to TypeScript, Drew spends his time now working to apply the principals of tyepsaftey to the buildings blocks of design systems and playing with his daughters toys.