Philly ETE 2022 — Native Desktop Apps in Roc — Richard Feldman

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Roc is a bleeding-edge functional programming language built for user-friendliness and performance. Although the language is not ready for production use yet, it has some exciting proof-of-concept capabilities already, most recently including cross-platform native desktop applications. This talk demonstrates how to create native desktop applications in Roc, which compile to optimized binary executables that render straight to the graphics card; there’s no virtual machine, shrink-wrapped browser, or giant C/C++ framework under the hood here!

About Richard Feldman

Richard is the creator of the Roc programming language, the host of the Software Unscripted podcast, and the author of Elm in Action from Manning Publications. He teaches online courses on Frontend Masters: Introduction to Rust, Introduction to Elm, and Advanced Elm. Outside of programming, he’s a fan of strategy games, heavy metal, powerlifting, and puns!

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