
Philly ETE 2019 Keynote – Jessica Kerr – Collective Problem Solving: Music, Science, Software

Abstract There’s a story to tell, about musicians, artists, philosophers, scientists, and then programmers. There’s a truth inside it that leads to a new view of work, that sees beauty in the painful complexity that is software development. Starting from The Journal of the History of Ideas, Jessica traces the concept of an “invisible college” through music and art and science to programming. She finds the dark truth behind the 10x developer, a real definition of “Senior Developer” and a…

Building Serverless Apps with AWS by Alexa (and Aaron, I suppose)

Alexa’s so smart, she learns more every day. (That’s what Amazon tells me, anyway.) So I’m going to pick her brain a little, and see if she can tell me anything about AWS. Maybe she knows how to write Alexa apps, or even regular REST & JavaScript apps — apps that run entirely in AWS. Maybe she can even tell me how to do it all for free? Could she *be* that smart? But listen, just because she, you know,…

Single Page Application Day – Look at You, Vue – Ken Rimple

This talk was given at Chariot Solutions’ 2018 event, Single Page Application Day. View Presentation View the code from Single Page Application Day on GitHub Abstract Curious about the recently popular Vue SPA framework? This talk will give you the straight talk about how Vue is different and potentially useful for your emerging technology projects. We’ll discuss the framework, single-file components, the state engine, VueX, and more.

Single Page Application Day – React: lean, mean, travels in a pack with other APIs – James Kent and Matt Gilbride

This talk was given at Chariot Solutions’ 2018 event, Single Page Application Day. View Presentation View the code from Single Page Application Day on GitHub Abstract Introduced in 2013, React’s rapid adoption by the front-end community is not something to be ignored. Unlike most other front-end frameworks available today, React is not a full end-to-end solution. While this may make it easier to introduce to an existing front-end, it can be hard to find your footing. This talk will dive…

Single Page Application Day – DevOps / CI with JavaScript: What’s hot, what’s not? – Jeff Labonski

This talk was given at Chariot Solutions’ 2018 event, Single Page Application Day. View Presentation View the code from Single Page Application Day on GitHub Abstract If you write it it will break. When it breaks the customer will be sad. When the customer is sad you will be as well. We’ll explore code cleanliness, formatting, and linting as quality gates for developers. Expanding on this, continuous integration, unit tests and e2e testing ensure streamlined development, working code, and the…

Single Page Application Day – Experience the CHANGE: UX Principles for Javascript – Peter Fleming

This talk was given at Chariot Solutions’ 2018 event, Single Page Application Day. View Presentation View the code from Single Page Application Day on GitHub Abstract We will cover a few of the foundational principles that JavaScript developers should consider when writing code for a UI and then talk through how those principles can be applied. Consistency, Hierarchy, Accessibility, Negative-Space, Grouping, and Error-treatment (CHANGE). Javascript is very powerful when it comes to creating front-end UIs and with that power comes…

Single Page Application Day – The JavaScript Landscape in 2019 – Ken Rimple

This talk was given at Chariot Solutions’ 2018 event, Single Page Application Day. View Presentation View the code from Single Page Application Day on GitHub Abstract From client-side apps to development tools like Webpack and servers written with NodeJS, to AWS lambdas and more, JavaScript is everywhere. Ken will make the case for becoming a JavaScript pro and explain areas you need to focus on.

Single Page Application Day – Angular: The “Batteries Included” Enterprise SPA Framework – Rich Freedman

This talk was given at Chariot Solutions’ 2018 event, Single Page Application Day. View Presentation View the code from Single Page Application Day on GitHub Abstract Angular is the most popular “Batteries Included” front-end platform. In this session, we’ll explore the major features of Angular, and why it may be the best choice for your enterprise. We’ll take an honest look at what fits well with common Enterprise development scenarios, and what does not. If you are not already intimately…

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