
Philly ETE 2016 #25 – Leigh Ann Shaffner – Agile HR

Agile HR represents a new, emerging way for HR to partner with their leaders and people. The paradigm is shifting from one of controls and standards to a new level of engagement – one that focuses on the facilitation and improvement of organizational agility. This means helping to build and drive programs that create adaptability, foster innovation, provide transparency, and inspire collaboration. Building on these principles, Comcast’s Technology + Product team is reimagining Performance Management. We are an innovative and agile organization and we are transforming our Performance Management approach to reflect our culture, provide real-time feedback, and develop our most important resources – our talent.

Philly ETE 2016 #23 – A. Jesse Jiryu Davis – Dodge Disasters and March to Triumph as a Mentor

Good engineers write good code, but the best engineers raise the skills of their junior colleagues, too. If you’re a senior engineer, you must learn to mentor new hires. Especially if you’re committed to diversity: mentorship is critical to the careers of women and minorities in tech. I have failed at mentoring, then succeeded. I distinguished five warning signs that a mentorship will fail, and five prerequisites that make a mentorship very likely to succeed. Learn from me, and march to mentorship triumph.

Philly ETE 2016 #22 – Liv Erickson – Virtual Reality Beyond Gaming: Immersive Technologies In the Industry

This session will provide an overview of the current state of VR and AR technologies, and walk through the code behind a WebVR-enabled site for data visualization. We’ll discuss how VR and AR is being used outside of the gaming industry by non-profits and enterprises to help drive their businesses, and showcase examples of how immersive tech is already being used to redefine our relationship with the digital world.

Philly ETE 2016 #20 – Jeanine Heck – Breaking New Ground with Product Development

Comcast’s X1 Voice Remote is in millions of homes, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Users appreciate the high utility and accuracy of the voice remote. As a product manager, it is Jeanine’s responsibility to understand customers’ needs, position the product against competitors, and ensure aligns with the company’s goals. She will give insight into all of these areas, with an extra emphasis on the understanding customers’ needs and how that shapes the product roadmap.

Philly ETE 2016 #18 – Mike Hartington – Ionic 2: Your First @App

Ionic has revolutionized the way web developers make the transition mobile development, but there’s always room to improve and make the lives of new app developers easier. With Ionic 2, we’ve improved upon much of what made Ionic 1 great, while also keeping things simple and reducing the fatigue that developers can feel when learning a new tool. We’ll introduce you to the basic Ionic 2 concepts and build an app live.

Philly ETE 2016 #17 – Scott Ambler – Agility At Scale: Practical and Tactical Approaches

This talk describes, step-by-step, how to evolve from today’s vision of agile software development to a truly disciplined agile enterprise. It briefly examines the state of mainstream agile software development and argues for the need for a more disciplined approach to agile delivery that provides a solid foundation from which to scale. It then explores what it means to scale disciplined agile strategies tactically at the project/product level and strategically across your IT organization as a whole. Your disciplined agile IT strategy, along with a lean business strategy, are key enablers of a full-fledged disciplined agile enterprise. The talk ends with advice for how to make this challenging organizational transition.

Philly ETE 2016 #16 – Alex Miller – Unleash Your Data with Clojure: Using Transducers and Sequences

In this talk we’ll examine Clojure’s approach to data and data transformation, which is built from a foundation of immutable values and persistent collections. Clojure offers several models for transformation of collections – sequences, reducers, and transducers. We’ll compare these to each other and to the status quo to see how the functional approach results in less code, fewer bugs, and greater reuse.

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