
Philly ETE 2015 #31 – Brendan McAdams – A Skeptic’s Look at scalaz’ “Gateway Drugs”: A Practical Exploration

In this talk we will look at some of the “gateway drugs” of scalaz: Validation, NonEmptyList, \/, Monad Transformers, and more. How do they work from a practical standpoint? What is their value for real world applications? Can we use them without an advanced Maths PhD? And just how fun is it to *really* code with these tools?

Philly ETE 2015 #26 – Soumith Chintala – The Deep Learning Revolution: Rethinking Machine Learning Pipelines

In the last decade, a class of machine learning algorithms popularly know as “deep learning” have produced state-of-the-art results on a wide variety of domains, including image recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing, genome sequencing, and financial data among others. What is deep learning? Why has it become so popular so quickly? How can one fit deep learning into existing pipelines?

Philly ETE 2015 #24 – Keynote – Tom Igoe – Physical Computing, or How Software Meets Christmas Trees (and more)

Open source hardware and digital fabrication tools are enabling a wider audience to engage in building all aspects of interactive technologies, regardless of their backgrounds. In this talk, I’ll present an overview of some of the tools of physical computing and discuss how and by whom they’re being used to create new connected devices.

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