Search results for: angularjs

Philly ETE 2015 – Ken Rimple – Want now? Traceur your way back to ES5 and feel the Harmony

In this talk, we’ll roll up our sleeves and use JavaScript 6 features TODAY, on our browsers, writing our code with real ES 6 classes, testing with Karma, running with Gulp and NodeJS. We’ll explore the extensions that let us perform type checking of our methods. We’ll also discuss what areas of the spec to avoid, and how to write your code so it will take advantage of these features while still running well today. Let’s get ready for the future, and start reaping the benefits now.

TechCast #88 – ETE Speaker Mike Hartington Talks Swift, Ionic, and more

Ionic is a cordova-based mobile application development framework. Using AngularJS as the core web framework, sass for CSS simplification, and the ngCordova library, Ionic makes building cross-device applications easier. We talked to Mike about Drifty’s earlier tools such as Codiqa, how they came up with Ionic, and about its use of Angular and other technologies. … Read More

The new Angular Router – a simple example

In this post, we’ll look at how the new AngularJS router is configured, and how you can use it to route to a view area on a page. We’ll follow up with more sophisticated examples later, but for now, this is a simple ‘getting started’ post. I’ve taken a copy of a release candidate of Angular 1.4.0, the Router as of the week of 3/15/2015, and the latest version of Angular Material Design – a nice and simple UI layout API that is a nice alternative to Twitter Bootstrap. I used it for a simple image gallery display program.

ng-conf 2015 – Misko Hevery's Angular 2.0 Keynote – syntax, approach

We start our coverage of ng-conf 2015 with day 2's keynote by Misko Hevery, because that's what everyone had been waiting for since the debut of 2.x at his keynote back at ng-conf Europe. This time, Misko laid out the rationale for the platform rewrite quite clearly, explaining that it was driven by developer productivity needs and performance.

DevNews #94 – The triumphant return (again) – Windows all over the place, Chrome 41 beta, Raspberry Pi and more

We talk about the Raspberry Pi quad-core Windows-capable $35 computer, Windows everywhere, Chrome 41 beta and its march to ECMAScript 6, and much more. Also we give you a preview of Philly ETE – an amazing conference – now in early bird registration for just $410.

Technologies We're Watching for Early 2015

A group of Charioteers sat down last week to discuss some of the technologies and tools we have been and will be watching in 2015 – some beginning to establish themselves in the enterprise, and some still in early stages of adoption.