
Philly ETE 2016 #5 – Andrea Falcone – Supercharging Your Mobile App Release with Fastlane

How would you like 2 extra hours of your time back every week? All mobile app developers face similar workflows as they work to upload an app to the App & Play Store. Many of these processes are currently done manually, but why not automate them? Fabric’s set of developer tools, collectively called fastlane, makes building, testing, and releasing your app faster, reproducible and less troublesome, leaving developers more time to focus on feature code and not deployment!

Philly ETE 2015 – Svetlana Isakova – Kotlin on Android

In this session we are going to talk a bit why JetBrains sees the potential in Kotlin comparing to other JVM languages. Then we’ll see how certain language constructs can be used to make Android more enjoyable. Also we’ll look at a DSL for type-safe dynamic layouts and a simple extension plugin that helps to avoid writing ‘findViewById()’ all the time.

Android density buckets, or how to work with your designers…

How does Android development compare with your plain old development? Well, in short words it’s very rewarding in a sense that you see results of your work right away. You can also deploy it right to your phone or a tablet and brag about it to your friends. However, there are pitfalls…

DevNews #86 – We’ve tried to 86 the podcast, but it’s 99 times the fun

Episode 86 – which we 86'ed once but tried for again Ever have one of those Mondays? Joel Confino is out on assignment, and Ken is solo this week. He "recorded" episode 86 once, except that he didn't press RECORD. Sigh, silly programmer. Sponsored Link – Training update – Our two-day AngularJS Fundamentals training course … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 – #1 – Donn Felker – Android from the Trenches

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This talk discussed lessons learned by Donn while writing highly successful Android applications hosted on the Google Play store. You’ll learn about how to use RoboElectric, JUnit and Mockito together in your testing regime.

Google's new Mobile Chrome Apps framework, what is it?

Google has announced and released a preview for porting Chrome Apps to mobile devices. Tentively called Mobile Chrome Apps the whole thing can be found over at Github. What this does is bring most the Chrome Web app API to Android and iOS. It does that by wrapping up cordova/phonegap with some custom plugins in a tool that allows import of those existing web apps.

DevNews #76 – HAML-esque JS templates, a monitor for $400, what’s the world coming to?

We have a great set of resources for you today, ranging from HAML-like templates in Javascript, to a great Go tutorial website, to some heavy-duty Scala Akka Finite State Machine discusisons, iOS Workflows, a $15 Arduino with GPS, and much more. Hosts – Ken Rimple, Joel Confino, Eric Snyder and Sujan Kapadia.

Android Data Sync

If you have an Android app that 1) reads and/or writes data from a SQLite database and 2) needs to update that data periodically from another source, say a RESTful web service then one approach you can take is to hook into the Android Sync Service. I recently created an Android project with a Sync Adapter to consume and publish data to a simple Go RESTful web service and I’d like to share what I’ve learned.