
ETE 2013 Screencast #38 – JavaScript Frameworks Panel: Which is the right framework for me?

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In this panel we will discuss the merits of some of these tools and what to look for when selecting a tool for a given project. What are the benefits of compiling to JavaScript as opposed to coding in it? What are the core differences between different MVC solutions? What are the tradeoffs that you make when you use an integrated framework that runs on both the client and server side? What about testing, security, and continuous integration? And if you are new to developing JavaScript applications, where do you start? Featuring Tim Branyen (Backbone contributor), Brian Ford (AngularJS core developer and co-author of AngularJS in Action), Yehuda Katz (co-author of jQuery in Action and creator of Ember), Avital Oliver (Meteor core developer), Lukas Ruebbelke (co-author of AngularJS in Action), and Robert Hanson (moderator, co-author of GWT in Action)

PhillyETE Screencast #37 – Incident Response Plans for the 21st Century – Angie Singer Keating

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From the abstract: “A growing body of disclosure law governing security breaches and data loss incidents, coupled with ‘the professional nature’ of the threats, is fueling an expanded focus on incident response, digital forensics, evidence collection, and proactive fraud detection. In addition, government and industry regulations require not only the aggregation of data and event … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #36 – A bright future full of promise – Asynchronous Pipelines in Scala and Java – Heather Miller

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From the abstract: “By now, it’s no secret that asynchronous and non-blocking code means fast and responsive software stacks that scale to the moon. The only problem? Asynchronous code usually means callback hell that’s impossible to write, impossible to reason about, and even worse to maintain. Not any more— Scala 2.10 brings an asynchronous, completely … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #35 – Let’s Help Melly (Changing Work Into Life)

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From the abstract: “Many people in the world don’t really like their jobs. And most organizations are not healthy. They are badly prepared for increasing complexity and changing environments. Most managers know that organizations are complex systems. But few understand what that means for the way organizations should be managed. Complexity thinking suggests that we … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #32 – Blackberry 10 Enterprise Development – Maurice White

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From the abstract: “Become a successful developer of enterprise apps for BlackBerry 10. This session arms you with what’s needed to begin creating enterprise apps for the BlackBerry platform. We’ll cover development options, tooling, and porting existing apps. We’ll discuss the unique needs of developing apps for the enterprise and introduce you to how the … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #31 – Going Big with Big Data – One Step at a Time – Anita Garimella Andrews

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From the abstract: “Big Data is almost scary nowadays. Some small, young companies are so advanced in their use of data – but their datasets are small, so statistical validity constantly comes up. Some Fortune 100 companies haven’t even started. And other large companies have such a morass of badly integrated, inaccurate or unused data … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #30 – Druid – Real-Time Queries Meet Real-Time Data – Eric Tschetter

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From the abstract: “This talk will focus on the design considerations and architecture of Druid, an open-source, distributed, column-oriented analytical data store. Druid is an open source distributed system in use at Metamarkets ( to facilitate rapid exploration of high dimensional spaces. We use Druid to expose impression monetization data to ad tech companies along … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #29 – The 11th Thing: Generalists, specialists, and how life imitates the decathlon – David A. Black

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From the abstract: “Change is a constant in the tech field, at many levels — from the introduction of major new tools and systems to the release of tiny updates for existing ones. Ironically, constant change results in a striking consistency over time. The view of our field from outer space, so to speak, remains … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #28 – Why are there Go programmers? – Blake Mizerany

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From the abstract: “Go programmers come from backgrounds you would likely not expect. The language was originally marketed as a “Systems Language”. But rather than being mostly composed of C and C++ programmers, many Go programmers come from Ruby, Python, Javascript, Erlang, and other popular dynamic languages; Much more than the Go authors had anticipated. … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #27 – Clojure/ClojureScript – One Language to Rule the Web – Stuart Sierra

From the abstract: “Clojure is a modern dynamic language for the JVM, ClojureScript is the same language compiled into JavaScript. This talk will introduce the ClojureScript compiler and explain how it leverages the Clojure language and best-of-breed JavaScript technologies to deliver compact, high-performance web applications. Discover how sharing both data and code between a Clojure … Read More